
🔍 An elegant search controller which replaces the UISearchController for iOS (iPhone & iPad) .

MIT License

  • 🔍 An elegant search controller for iOS.

QQ chat room



  • Support a variety of hot search style
  • Support a variety of search history style
  • Support a variety of search results display mode
  • Support a variety of search view controller display mode
  • Support search suggestions
  • Support search history (record) cache
  • Support callback using delegate or block completion search
  • Support CocoaPods
  • Support localization
  • Support vertical and horizontal screen on iPhone and iPad


  • iOS 7.0 or later
  • Xcode 7.0 or later



  • PYSearch
  • PYSearchConst
  • PYSearchViewController
  • PYSearchSuggestionViewController


  • UIColor+PYSearchExtension
  • UIView+PYSearchExtension
  • NSBundle+PYSearchExtension




Hot search style

Search history style

How to use

  • Use CocoaPods:
    • pod "PYSearch"
    • Import the main file:#import <PYSearch.h>
  • Manual import:
    • Drag All files in the PYSearch folder to project
    • Import the main file:#import "PYSearch.h"

Details (See the example program PYSearchExample for details)

    // 1. Create hotSearches array
    NSArray *hotSeaches = @[@"Java", @"Python", @"Objective-C", @"Swift", @"C", @"C++", @"PHP", @"C#", @"Perl", @"Go", @"JavaScript", @"R", @"Ruby", @"MATLAB"];
    // 2. Create searchViewController
    PYSearchViewController *searchViewController = [PYSearchViewController searchViewControllerWithHotSearches:hotSeaches searchBarPlaceholder:@"Search programming language" didSearchBlock:^(PYSearchViewController *searchViewController, UISearchBar *searchBar, NSString *searchText) {
        // Call this Block when completion search automatically
        // Such as: Push to a view controller
        [searchViewController.navigationController pushViewController:[[UIViewController alloc] init] animated:YES];
    // 3. present the searchViewController
    UINavigationController *nav = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:searchViewController];
    [self presentViewController:nav  animated:NO completion:nil];


  • Custom search suggestions display
// 1. Set dataSource
searchViewController.dataSource = self;
// 2. Implement dataSource method
  • Custom search result dispaly
// 1. Set searchResultShowMode
searchViewController.searchResultShowMode = PYSearchResultShowModeEmbed;
// 2. Set searchResultController 
searchViewController.searchResultController = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
  • Set hotSearchStyle(default is PYHotSearchStyleNormalTag)
// Set hotSearchStyle
searchViewController.hotSearchStyle = PYHotSearchStyleColorfulTag;
  • Set searchHistoryStyle(default is PYSearchHistoryStyleCell)
// Set searchHistoryStyle
searchViewController.searchHistoryStyle = PYSearchHistoryStyleBorderTag;
  • Set searchHistoriesCachePath(default is PYSEARCH_SEARCH_HISTORY_CACHE_PATH)
// Set searchHistoriesCachePath
searchViewController.searchHistoriesCachePath = @"The cache path";
  • Set searchHistoriesCount(default is 20)
// Set searchHistoriesCount
searchViewController. searchHistoriesCount = 6;
  • Set searchResultShowMode(default is PYSearchResultShowModeCustom)
// Set searchResultShowMode
searchViewController.searchResultShowMode = PYSearchResultShowModeEmbed;
  • Set searchSuggestionHidden(deafult is NO)
// Set searchSuggestionHidden
searchViewController.searchSuggestionHidden = YES;


  • If you have any questions during the process or want more interfaces to customize,you can issues me!
  • Instead of giving me star, it is better to throw a bug to me!
  • If you want to participate in the maintenance of this project or have a good design style, welcome to pull request!
  • If you feel slightly discomfort in use, please contact me QQ:499491531 or Email:[email protected].
  • Hope to improve this project together, let it become more powerful, able to meet the needs of most users!


All source code is licensed under the MIT License.