
Ranged (two-knob) slider for iOS



Ranged two-knob slider for iOS implemented as an UIControl subclass.


Look at the Sample App. It contains a vanilla application with a ranged slider and logging set-up in place.

What’s Inside

You’ll mostly find RARangedSlider, which takes four things: minValue, maxValue, lowValue and highValue. The minValue and maxValue properties are modeled after UISlider: by default, it goes from 0.0f to 1.0f, but you can specify another range for the slider to emit lowValue and highValue in. The lowValue and highValue are represented by two visually identical thumbs; the one on the left uses lowValue.

If you drag a thumb over another, it’ll still work. You can switch continuous on or off to control if UIControlEventValueChanged is sent to your target immediately upon tracking changes. There’s a -setLowValue:highValue:animated:completion: provided for your pleasure.

Drop the control into your project as a static library, and drop the bundle containing stock artwork into your project as well. Appearance customization and value configuration animation are both supported.


This project is in the public domain. You can use it and embed it in whatever application you sell, and you can use it for evil. However, it is appreciated if you provide attribution, by linking to the project page (https://github.com/evadne/RARangedSlider) from your application.
