
Powerful tool for making your UITableView usage simple and comfortable

MIT License



With this manager you will never need to write any UITableViewDelegate or UITableViewDataSource methods anymore.

Install via Cocoapods

pod 'RSBTableViewManager'

to your Podfile and run

pod install

How to use

It is easy as pie. All you need to do is

RSBTableViewManager *tableViewManager = [[RSBTableViewManager alloc] initWithTableView:tableView];
[tableViewManager setSectionItems:sectionItems];

That's all. As you already understand you need section items for manager to work. This items are describe your table view's sections and contain cell items. The only purpose of cell item is describing cell's representation in table view.

For creating section items you need subclass/use RSBTableViewSectionItem or create/use your own class which will adopt RSBTableViewSectionItemProtocol and fill it with cell items. You can create them by subclass/use RSBTableViewCellItem or create/use your own class which will adopt RSBTableViewCellItemProtocol for cell items.

Each cell item represents one cell class at a time and contains all related datasource and delegate methods for displaying it and handling events related to cell.

Didn't understand something? Download repo and run example project.