
Painless Facebook & Twitter auth on iOS 6+




Painless Facebook & Twitter auth on iOS 6+.


Look at the Sample App. Check out the Sample Video. Try to break it.



Use SAAccountStore. Request an arbitrary account by calling -requestAccountTyped:withOptions:completion:. For more information, check out the sample app — this is the representative portion:

ACAccountType *accountType = [self.accountStore accountTypeWithAccountTypeIdentifier:ACAccountTypeIdentifierTwitter];
[self.accountStore requestAccountTyped:accountType withOptions:nil completion:^(BOOL didFinish, ACAccount *account, NSError *error) {
	if (account) {
		//	use it!


If you need to process additional information on your backend service, you’ll want to get oAuth credentials. As long as your application is sharing the same set of client identifiers (“secrets”, huh) with your backend service, you can reuse the credentials.

To retrieve these credentials, SocialAuth invokes Twitter’s Reverse Auth or parses Facebook’s oAuth 2.0 Query Parameter. The application should implement credential retrieval right within the completion block of -requestAccountTyped:withOptions:completion:.

Before you retrieve the credentials, you can optionally call -renewCredentialsForAccount:completion: to renew the credentials if you know it’s a Facebook account. SocialAuth exposes -retrieveCredentialsForAccount:withOptions:completion: which will retrieve the underlying oAuth credentials and funnel them back to you.

Behavior Matrix

Access State No Accounts One Account Many Accounts
Never Granted or Denied Bails on Settings Asks for Permission Asks for Permission
Explicitly Granted Bails on Settings Succeeds with Account Presents Picker
Explicitly Denied Propagates Error Propagates Error Propagates Error
  • Bails on Settings: SocialAuth will present an UIAlertView asking the customer to go sign in thru SocialAuth does not invoke the callback in this case.
  • Asks for Permission: SocialAuth will trigger a permission dialog and ask the customer for permission. After the permission is explicitly granted or denied, SocialAuth’s behavior follows the columns belonging to either Explicitly Granted or Explicitly Denied in the matrix.
  • Succeeds with Account: SocialAuth will directly invoke the callback with the account.
  • Presents Picker: SocialAuth will present an internal UIActionSheet that can be used to select an appropriate account. Once the action sheet finishes, SocialAuth invokes the callback with either the selected account or nil if the customer has hit Cancel.
  • Propagates Error: SocialAuth invokes the callback directly with the NSError object presented thru ACAccountStore.

Marginal Voodoo

  • If you’re working with Facebook, make sure you told them about the Bundle ID.
  • If you’re working with Twitter and are running into issues, try twiddling Read Only to Read/Write and turning Sign in With Twitter on.


This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. A copy of the license is attached in the repository.