
A native Particle Systems effect view for iOS and OSX powered by QuartzCore



A native Particle Systems effect view for iOS and OSX powered by QuartzCore.

This is a companion Objective-C class to the UIEffectDesigner app.


You can download the UIEffectDesigner app from here and design visually your effects:

When you are happy with the effect click File/Save... and save the effect as [name_of_your_choice].ped.


To include a particle system effect in your iOS or OSX app is very easy.

Follow these 4 easy steps:

  • Add the .ped file to your Xcode project.

  • Add the QuartzCore.framework to your project.

  • Add to your project the UIEffectDesignerView folder from the UIEffectDesignerView repository (aka this repo you are looking at)

  • Show the effect on the screen:

For iOS add in your ViewController code:

#import "UIEffectDesignerView.h"
UIEffectDesignerView* effectView = [UIEffectDesignerView effectWithFile:@"[name_of_your_choice].ped"];
[self.view addSubview:effectView];

For OSX add to your AppDelegate code:

#import "UIEffectDesignerView.h"
UIEffectDesignerView* effectView = [UIEffectDesignerView effectWithFile:@"[name_of_your_choice].ped"];
[self.window.contentView addSubview: effectView];

That's it. You can work normally with the view - for example adjust its center property on iOS or change the frame, animate the effect around the screen, etc.

For a full walk-through on creating particle systems and displaying them in a UIKit game for the iPhone check out this 2 part tutorial series:


On the UIEffectDesigner page you can also download sample effects:

Go to UIEffectDesigner page with sample effect files for download.