
Convert a image in your note to text.

MIT License


Obsidian Image to text

Recognize Text on images in your notes. Select the image and run the command. The recognized text will be appended to your image or will replace your image - depending on the command


Command Description
Replace selection Replace your image with the recognized text. Recognize text based on the language defined in settings
Replace selection - custom language Replace your image with the recognized text. Recognize text based on custom selection
Append selection Append the recognized text to your image. Recognize text based on language defined in settings
Append selection - custom language Append the recognized text to your image. Recognize text based on custom selection


Supported Image Types

  • .jpg
  • .jpeg
  • .png
  • .gif
  • .bmp
  • .pbm
  • .webp

Supported Markup

Format Example Description
Obsidian Image ![[example.png]] Obsidian image tag
Obsidian Image including size ![[example.png|300]] Obsidian image tag including size
Markdown Image ![Image](https://www.example.com/example.png) Markdown image tag
URL https://www.example.com/example.png URL to an image
img Tag <img src="https://www.example.com/example.png" /> Img tag with a valid src attribute


Community Plugin

  • Follow this link Obsidian Plugin
  • Or open Obsidian Settings, go to Community Plugins, browse "Image to Text OCR" click install and activate.

Manually installing the plugin

  • Go to the latest Releases
  • Download main.js, manifest.json
  • save into your vault VaultFolder/.obsidian/plugins/obsidian-image-to-text-ocr/


Name Description
Content language Select language to recognize. Default is Englisch. If images contain special characters, changing the language may perform better results
Enable debug logging If enabled, more will be logged in the console.


This plugin uses tesseract.js to recognize text.


  • Feel free to open an issue if you miss something
  • Feel free to open a Pull request to implement a feature
    • Please extend tests if you add logic
Extracted from project README's
Build and Test Obsidian Downloads License: MIT
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