
An obsidian plugin which turns a math code block into a full featured calculator

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Numerals Obsidian Plugin

Numerals gives you the power of an advanced calculator inside a math code block, complete with currencies, units, variables, and math functions! Now you can perform calculations inline with your notes, and see both the input and the evaluated result. Numerals works with Live Preview as well as Reader view, and offers TeX-style rendering or Syntax Highlighting as well as auto-completion suggestions. Comments or explanations can be added with #, and important results can be indicated with => after the calculation. Numerals Lemonade Stand - Side by Side Numerals Tex Example


  • Units
    • 1ft + 12in2ft
    • 20 mi / 4 hr to m/s2.235 m / s
    • 100 km/hr in mi/hr62.137 mi / hr
    • 9.81 m/s^2 * 100 kg * 40 m39.24 kJ
  • Currency
    • $1,000 * 22,000 USD
    • £10 + £0.7510.75 GBP
    • $100/hr * 3days7,200 USD
    • Set custom currencies, for example
  • Math functions
    • sqrt, sin, cos, abs, log, etc (see mathjs for full list)
  • Hex, Binary, Octal, and other bases
    • 0xff + 0b100259
    • hex(0xff + 0b100)"0x103"
  • Natural Constants
  • Auto-complete suggestions
    • By default will offer auto-complete suggestions for any variables defined in a math codeblock being edited
    • Optional setting to include all available functions, constants, and physical constants
  • Totals of previous lines using @total or @sum special operator
    • When Numerals encounters @total or @sum it inserts the sum of all previous lines up until the last blank line or comment
  • Greek Letters
    • Variables can be named using greek letters, e.g. μ = 3 m/s
    • Greek letters can be auto-completed by typing :, e.g. :mu in a math block will offer μ as an auto-complete suggestion
  • Note-Global Variables
    • Any variable name preceeded by an $ symbol will be made available to all math blocks on a page
  • Fractions:
    • fraction(1/3) + fraction(1/4)7/12
  • Comments and Headings:
    • # at the end of a line will be ignored, but rendered in faint text as a comment
    • A line starting with # will be ignored by the math engine, but will be bolded when rendered
  • Result Annotation:
    • => at the end of a line (but before a comment) will tell Numerals that a result should be highlighted. Any line in that code block without a => annotation will be rendered faintly (or hidden depending on settings).
  • Result Insertion:
    • Using the @[...] syntax (for example: $[profit]), Numerals will insert the results of a calculation into the raw text of your note, following ::
    • Uses dataview notation, which allows writing back to dataview values. For example, @[profit] will be modified to say @[profit::10 USD]
  • Access Frontmatter Properties
    • Numerals will have access to any property name specified in the numerals: property. Setting numerals to all, will make all properties in a note available to Numerals
    • Multiple properties can be specified as a list, e.g. numerals: [apples, pears] will makes both the apples and pears property available to Numerals

Numerals utilizes the mathjs library for all calculations. Numerals implements a preprocessor to allow more human-friendly syntax, such as currency symbols and thousands separators. For all available functions and capabilities (which includes matrices, vectors, symbolic algebra and calculus, etc), see the mathjs documentation

Styling Options

Numerals has been tested with the default theme and most other top themes. It uses default values such that it should play nice with any other theme. There are also several configurable settings to modify how Numerals renders math blocks

Render Style

Numerals supports rendering inputs/ouputs as either:

  1. Plain Text
  2. TeX
  3. Syntax Highlighting

One of these options can either be chosen as a default from Numerals settings, or then can be applied on a per-block basis by using math-plain, math-tex, or math-highlight rather than a math code block.



  • Answer is shown to the right of the input with a background color and a seperator.
  • Distinctive style that seperates input from evaluated answers

Answer to the Right

  • Answer to the right: answer is shown in the same line as the input, but right-aligned
  • More subtle than 2-panes that works well with just a few calculations

Answer Below

  • Answer is shown below the input, on the next line.
  • Less compact vertically, but more compact horizontally

Alternating Row Colors

Choose between a consistent code block background color (left), or alternating rows to help track from input to result (right).

Auto-completion Suggestions

By default, Numerals will provide auto-completion suggestions for variables that have been defined in a particular math codeblock. Turning on Include Functions and Constants in Suggestions will also provide suggestions for all functions, math constants, and physical constants supported in Numerals.

Format of Numbers in Rendered Results

Numerals allows the user to specify the format of rendered results.

  • System Formatted (Default): Use your local system settings for number formatting (including thousands and decimal separator)
  • Fixed: No thousands separator and full precision. Period as decimal separator (e.g. 100000.1)
  • Exponential: Always use exponential notation. (e.g. 1.000001e5)
  • Engineering: Exponential notation with exponent a multiple of 3. (e.g. 100.0001e3)
  • Formatted: Forces a specific type of formatted notation.
    • Style 1: 100,000.1
    • Style 2: 100.000,1
    • Style 3: 100 000,1
    • Style 4: 1,00,000.1


Numerals can be found in the Obsidian community plugin list.

Using BRAT

To try the latest features of Numerals before they are released, and provide helpful feedback and testing, try Numerals by using the Obsidian BRAT plugin. All new Numerals features will be pushed to beta testers first.

  1. Ensure BRAT is installed
  2. Trigger the command Obsidian42 - BRAT: Add a beta plugin for testing
  3. Enter this repository, gtg922r/obsidian-numerals
  4. Activate Numerals plugin in community plugin list

Features in progress and roadmap

  • Support for mapping currency symbols to different currencies (#17)
    both $ and ¥ can be mapped to different currencies in settings
  • Style Settings support for all colors and other style options (#13)
    • Partial support added in 1.0.5
  • Result annotation, similar to Calca feature (#4)
    • Support added in 1.0.5
  • Autocompletion of functions and variable inside math code block (#15)
    • Support added in 1.0.8
  • Inline calculation for inline code blocks (#5)

Feel free to suggest additional features by creating an issue!


There are a number of other plugins that address math and calculation use cases in Obsidian.

There are also a number of "calculator as notes" apps that acted as the inspiration for Numerals. If you are looking for a purpose-built app outside of Obsidian, consider:

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