
Show a cloud of your tags/words/links in a note

GPL-3.0 License


Tag, Word & Link Cloud

Plugin for Obsidian

GitHub package.json version
GitHub manifest.json dynamic (path)
libera manifesto

With this plugin you can create a tag, link or word cloud in your notes.

To do this create a codeblock with the language set to either tagcloud, wordcloud or linkcloud.

You can configure your cloud using a YAML syntax.

Tag Cloud

Displays all tags that fit your selection.


Show all tags in the entire vault


Show all tags in the current file

source: file

Show all tags from a folder/file.

⚠️ Requires Dataview

source: query
query: Folder/File

Show all tags that show up together with our tag.

⚠️ Requires Dataview

source: query
query: '#yourTag'

Show all tags from notes that link to note.

⚠️ Requires Dataview

source: query
query: '[[Other note]]'


Name Description Possible Values
query Requires Dataview, requires source to be set to query A valid Dataview Source
exclude exclude certain tags from the tagcloud an array of tags

All other options from here still apply

Word Cloud

a wordcloud displays all words in your vault/note.

⚠ Word distribution will only be calculated when loading a vault and by running the Recalculate Word Distribution command.

This is because the calculation is computationally expensive and takes some time.[^performance]


Show all words in the entire vault


Show all words in the current file

source: file

Show all words using a folder/file

source: file
query: 'Folder/File'


Name Description Possible Values Default
stopwords Remove all stopwords from the result true/ false true

All other options from here still apply

Link Cloud

A link cloud displays all links in your vault.

This cloud can only be generated vault wide.


Show all links


Show all links to existing files

type: resolved

Show all links to non-existing files

type: unresolved


Name Description Possible Values Default
type Which type of links to show resolved, unresolved, both resolved

The following options also apply.

General Options

The following options are supported for all clouds.

Name Description Possible Values Default
shape What shape to draw circle, cardioid, diamond, square, triangle-forward, triangle, pentagon, star circle
source where are the tags/words coming from? file, vault, query(only supported in tagcloud) vault
weight factor by wich the size of a word is multiplied any positive integer 2
shrinkToFit Adjust word weight to make it fit true/false true
minCount Minumum number of occurances any positive integer 0
maxDepth Only show the X most used elements(if two elements have the same number of occurrences only one will be counted) any positive integer (increasing this number may result in the cloud not showing, as only so many elements can be rendered) 25
background Background color a hexadecimal RGB value background color from the chosen theme
width Width of canvas in pixels (the px is omitted) line width
height Height of canvas in pixels (the px is omitted) width / 2
fontFamily font used to display any valid font-family
fontWeight font weight normal, bold, or a number normal
minFontSize minumum font size any number 0
minRotation the minimum rotation the text should rotate number (in rad) - pi / 2
maxRotation the maximum rotation the text should rotate number (in rad) pi / 2
ellipticity degree of 'flatness' number 0.65
shuffle produce a different looking result each time? true/false true
rotateRatio Rotation Probability Number as percentage (so 1.0 is 100%) 0.1

Known issues

  • In some specific scenario the calculated width off the used canvas element is 0.
    The plugin will fall back to a value of 500, which depending on the size of your obsidian window, might look strange.


[^performance]: On a high-powered computer with a Vault that contains ~12.000 this takes 15 minutes.

Extracted from project README
libera manifesto
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