
A demonstration of a production-suitable build pipeline for client-side BuckleScript


BuckleScript Client-Side FizzBuzz

This demonstrates a complete build pipeline for writing client-side code in OCaml. It...

  1. Compiles it to JS
  2. Flattens out modules (like the OCaml stdlib and pervasives), using rollup, so browsers can run it
  3. Runs it through Google's Closure Compiler to minify it

In More Detail

We have bsb, the stock BuckleScript build tool, emit ES6 modules, which rollup consumes. Naive flattening yields 47K of JS, but rollup does some simple dead-code elimination (DCE) based on ES6 deep imports, bringing it down to 4K, and then minification tightens that to 713 bytes.

To Build

npm install

That'll get you BuckleScript and its build tools.

npm run rollup

That'll get you the 4K JS build (in /lib/js). To go smaller, install a modern Java, download the Closure Compiler jar, stick it in this folder, and call it "closure-compiler.jar". Then you can run...

npm run closure

To see that it works, open index.html in a browser, and look at the JS console, where you should see lots of fizzbuzzy log entries.

There's also a target that eschews the Closure Compiler in favor of UglifyJS. UglifyJS's output is usually (though not always) a bit bigger, but the build time is much faster, and you don't need Java:

npm run rollup-uglify

This last target also demonstrates the use of a rollup.config.js file to hold rollup's configuration.

Open Questions

  • How does it work with OCaml modules from OPAM? At what layer does DCE happen there?