
IRC protocol in OCaml

MIT License


Cri, an implementation of IRC in OCaml for MirageOS

cri is a little library which implements the core of the IRC client according to RFC1459 and RFC2812. It's a Proof-of-Concept to show the usual MirageOS development process. Specially the abstraction required to be compatible with MirageOS.

However, a simple example exists into the bin directory which is a specialisation of cri with unix.

A simple bot logger

To help the development of cri and iterate on it, the distribution comes with a simple logger which call periodically a function with saved messages. The implementation of it is available into lib-logger.

Then, an unikernel (into unikernel) extends it to save these messages into a Git repository (via ocaml-git/irmin). It permits to show a small unikernel as an example of what we can do with MirageOS.

Experimental status

Many parts of the IRC protocol are not implemented yet and we still continue to work on them. But the most common commands/responses are implemented.