
A riscv32im CPU


Hardcaml RISC-V

An RV32IM processor written in Hardcaml.

The project is organized as follows:

  • hard — All things related to the hardware implementation
    • arty — Build tooling and top module for the Arty A7-100T FPGA
    • cpu — Hardware agnostic CPU implementation
      • bin — Simulation, verification, and circuit compilation tooling
      • lib — CPU implementation
  • soft — Software to use the CPU
    • bootloader — Shared library for the bootloader
    • offchip — Utilities for interacting with the CPU from the host operating system
      • bootloader_client — Bootloader command interface
    • onchip — Code meant to run on the CPU
      • bootloader_server — The bootloader server that runs on the CPU and waits for commands
        from the host
      • Various test programs that can be loaded by the bootloader to run on the CPU
    • slib — A standard library for programs running on the CPU