
Tutoriel MirageOS pour la 8e journée LoOPS



MirageOS tuturial

A basic notion of OCaml is assumed, but please ask questions.

OCaml Setup

You need OCaml 4.01 or 4.02 and opam (version 1.2.2 if possible). These should be available on your favorite package manager.

Installing and using merlin and ocp-indent is strongly encouraged.

Install Mirage

You will need the latest version of MirageOS (not yet released). To install it run:

make depends
eval `opam config env`

This will create a new opam switch in opam and will install the development versions of functoria and mirage.

Testing MirageOS

You can clone mirage-skeleton and compiles one of the example to see if everything is working properly:

# git clone -b mirage-dev https://github.com/mirage/mirage-skeleton.git
# cd mirage-skeleton/hello
# mirage configure
# make
# ./main.native
Hello World!
Hello World!


The goal of that tutorial is to write a unikernel proxy that you can program by punching ports. We will start by doing normal OCaml code first to warm-up and you will see how to turn that into a (useful?) unikernel later on.

Start by Exercice 1.