
OCaml bindings to libmysqlclient

LGPL-2.1 License

                 OCaml-MySQL -- MySQL access for OCaml

                         Based on a release by:
                              Shawn Wagner
                          [email protected]
                         Based on a release by:
                            Christian Lindig
                        [email protected]

ocaml-mysql is a package for OCaml that provides access to mysql databases. It consists of low-level C bindings to libmysqlclient and a module Mysql intended for application development.

1 Building =====

Compiling this package from sources requires the following software to be installed on your system:

  1. ocaml 3.09 or above.
  2. findlib
  3. The mysql client library and header files.
  4. An ANSI C compiler like gcc.

A configure script is provided which should help to find the particular files. In case configure fails, edit the setting in the config file directly. This also applies when the C compiler fails to find some include file. However, you should first try the obvious:

                % ./configure
                % make
                % make opt
                % make install

This creates the mysql libraries.

1' Building on windows ===========

Compiling this package from sources requires the following software to be installed on your system:

  1. ocaml 3.11 or above with accompanying C compiler setup (msvc or mingw)
  2. findlib
  3. MySQL Connector/C http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/c/
  4. GNU Make

ocaml/msvc :

Copy Makefile.msvc to Makefile and edit MYSQL_DIR variable to point to the root of installed MySQL Connector/C distribution. Afterwards run make to build mysql library, make demos to compile examples and make install to install with ocamlfind.


Some mingw reimp versions can't process libmysql.lib import library. In such cases try to rename this file into "$M/lib/libmysql.a" without any processing by reimp.

$ export P="c:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Connector C 6.0.2" $ export M="c:/mingw" $ cp "$P/lib/opt/libmysql.lib" "$M/lib/" $ (cd "$M/lib" && reimp libmysql.lib && mv liblibmysql.a libmysql.a) $ CPPFLAGS="-I$P/include" ./configure $ make all opt demos

2 Troubleshooting ========*=

If compilation fails this is most probably because include or library files were not found. The configure looks in a number of places but may fail to find the files on your system. In case you have GNU Autoconf installed you can take a look at the configure.in and add more directories to search:

            AC_CHECKING(for MySQL header files)

Do not forget to create a new configure script by invoking autoconf. Please send a patch back to the author.

  1. Documentation

Check the interface files, or doc/mysql/html/index.html (generated with make htdoc). Reading the mysql documentation should help, too. Two small demos are available. Build them with make demos.

Note: The library can be used in multithreaded ocaml programs without blocking threads during i/o with the database server. Since MySQL 5.5 it is safe to share database handle between threads in most scenarios, see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/c-api-threaded-clients.html

4 Copying ====*=

You are encouraged to distribute this code under the terms of the Lesser GNU Public License. See the file COPYING for details.

  1. Authors

Previous maintainers: Christian Lindig Shawn Wagner

Current maintainer: ygrek [email protected]