
OCaml Sqlite3 tutorial


OCaml SQLite notes


opam install sqlite3
  • Use it in a file:
open Sqlite3
  • Use it in utop:
#require "sqlite3"
#open Sqlite3

Basic usage

Create a database, a table and do a basic query. The full code can be found in samples/sample_1.ml.

Create a database

let mydb = db_open "test.db"

Create a table

  • the table structure
[Contacts                        ]
| contact_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY |
| first_name TEXT NOT NULL       |
| last_name  TEXT NOT NULL       |
| email      TEST NOT NULL UNIQUE|
| phone      TEST NOT NULL UNIQUE|
  • the query to create the table
let create_table_sql = "CREATE TABLE contacts ( \
                          contact_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, \
                          first_name TEXT NOT NULL, \
                          last_name TEXT NOT NULL, \
                          email text NOT NULL UNIQUE, \
                          phone text NOT NULL UNIQUE \

let db = db_open "test.db"

let () =
  match exec db create_table_sql with
  | Rc.OK -> print_endline "Ok"
  | r -> prerr_endline (Rc.to_string r); prerr_endline (errmsg db)

With the command line client of sqlite, we can verify the good execution of our code with:

sqlite3 test.db
sqlite> SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';
sqlite> PRAGMA table_info(contacts);

Handle basic error request

When opening a database with the ocaml-sqlite3 lib, the function Sqlite3.db_open returns a Sqlite3.db database handle. This handle stores the error code of the last operation.

The Sqlite3.exec function returns a Sqlite3.Rc.t type. In this variant there is one particular tag : OK that is returned when the query is successful. All the other cases can be considered like an error. A string corresponding to this type can be obtained with the function val to_string : Rc.t > string, it can be useful to display the kind of error you are facing.

Furthermore, when you have one of this error, its possible to ask for an error message from the database handle with the function: Sqlite3.errmsg.

In the sample_2, there is a query on a database that does not exits.

(** Build with ocamlbuild -pkg sqlite3 sample_2.native or use make sample_2 *)

open Sqlite3

let mydb = db_open "test.db"

let create_table_sql = "SELECT first_name FROM bad_table_name;"

let db = db_open "test.db"

let () =
  match exec db create_table_sql with
  | Rc.OK -> print_endline "Ok"
  | r -> prerr_endline (Rc.to_string r); prerr_endline (errmsg db)

When executed, this sample display the following information:

no such table: bad_table_name

Query a database

In the following example (samples/sample_3.ml), there will be multiples queries.

(** Build with ocamlbuild -pkg sqlite3 sample_3.native or use make sample_3 *)

open Sqlite3

let db = db_open "test.db"

let gracefully_exist error message =
  let () = prerr_endline (Rc.to_string error) in
  let () = prerr_endline (errmsg db) in
  let () = prerr_endline message in
  let _closed = db_close db in
  let () = prerr_endline "Exiting ..." in
  exit 1

let create_contacts_table () =
  let create_table_sql = "CREATE TABLE contacts ( \
                          contact_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, \
                          first_name TEXT NOT NULL, \
                          last_name TEXT NOT NULL, \
                          email text NOT NULL UNIQUE, \
                          phone text NOT NULL UNIQUE \
  in match exec db create_table_sql with
  | Rc.OK -> ()
  | r ->
    let message = "Unable to create table contacts." in
    gracefully_exist r message

(* Query that should returns a result if a table contacts exists *)
let check_table_sql =
  "SELECT COUNT(name) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='contacts'"

(* Callback that checks if there is already a table contacts and if not creates
   it *)
let check_table_cb row = match row.(0) with
  | Some a ->
    if a = "0" then begin
      let () = print_endline "Creating the table Contacts" in
      create_contacts_table ()
    end else print_endline "The table Contacts already exists"
  | None -> ()

let ensure_table_contacts_exists () =
  match exec_no_headers db ~cb:check_table_cb check_table_sql with
  | Rc.OK -> ()
  | r ->
    let message =  "Unable to check if the table Contacts exists." in
    gracefully_exist r message

(* Lets add some data in our table *)
let data = [
  ("NULL", "Jean", "Pignon", "[email protected]", "123456789");
  ("NULL", "Marcelle", "Michue", "[email protected]", "987654321");

let clean_table () =
  let sql = "DELETE FROM Contacts" in
  match exec db sql with
  | Rc.OK -> ()
  | r ->
    let message =  "Unable to clean the table Contacts." in
    gracefully_exist r message

let add_data () =
  let rec _add = function
    | [] -> print_endline "Insertion finished"
    | (id, fn, ln, mail, phone) :: t ->
      let sql =
        Printf.sprintf "INSERT INTO Contacts VALUES(%s,'%s','%s','%s','%s')"
          id fn ln mail phone
      let () = begin match exec db sql with
        | Rc.OK ->
          let id = Sqlite3.last_insert_rowid db in
          Printf.printf "Row inserted with id %Ld\n" id
        | r -> prerr_endline (Rc.to_string r); prerr_endline (errmsg db)
      in _add t
  in _add data

let () =
  let () = ensure_table_contacts_exists () in
  let () = clean_table () in
  add_data ()

User defined functions




More usage examples

More examples can be found in README_sqlite3_tutorial

Using the orm module

