
The Ray Tracer Challenge book solutions in Ocaml


The Ray Tracer Challenge (book) samples

Solutions to the Pragmatic Bookshelf book The Ray Tracer Challenge.

opam switch create ray-tracer 4.07.1
opam install gg vg cairo2 utop batteries

1. World Projectile

This is based on chapters 1 and 2 of the book.

cd 01-world-projectile
dune build

2. Tracing

This is a real ray tracer, with Phong modeling (chapters 3-5 of the book).

cd 02-tracing
opam install parany ppx_inline_test
dune build
mkdir output
dune exec tracing


To generate the documentation install odoc:

opam install odoc

and generate it using dune:

dune build @doc


opam install ppx_inline_test
dune runtest