

Temporal NetKAT

This is the compiler for the Temporal NetKAT language described in the PLDI submission here.


Virtual Machine

The easiest way to use the compiler is to download the Ubuntu virtual image with the compiler already set up.

If it asks for a username and password, the username is "ubuntu", and the password is "password". The main compiler directory can be found in


From Source

To build the code from source, you will need the Ocaml compiler (>= 4.02.1) and the ocamlfind and ppx_deriving utilities. The easiest way to install everything is via opam:

opam install ocamlfind ppx_deriving

Then run make to build the source. The main exectuable will be: tkat.native

To run the experiments from the paper, you will need


To test that the compiler is working, you can run its unit and randomized tests by running the main executable tkat.native in the Temporal-NetKAT directory:

./tkat.native -test

If there is no output for the tests, then run make clean followed by make to rebuild the executable. To compile a simple example policy, we can run the following command:

./tkat.native -in examples/path_monitor.tkat -out rules.txt

An explanation of each example is given in the comments of the .tkat file. The result is a list of prioritized Openflow-like rules, that match and modify packet fields. Running cat rules.txt displays the resulting rules:

[sw=A,pt=1]          ==>  {{state<-4,pt<-2}}
[sw=A,pt=2,state=4]  ==>  {{pt<-1}}
[sw=A,pt=2,state=5]  ==>  {{pt<-bucket_1},{pt<-1}}
[sw=B,pt=1]          ==>  {{state<-5,pt<-2}}
[sw=B,pt=2,state=4]  ==>  {{pt<-bucket_2},{pt<-1}}
[sw=B,pt=2,state=5]  ==>  {{pt<-1}}
[]                   ==>  drop

For example, a packet entering the network at switch A and port 1 will be moved to port 2, and have its state (VLAN tag) updated to indicate it is in automaton state 4. If the packet ends up at port 2 on switch B, the packet will then be multicast with one copy of the packet going to port 1 on switch B, and the other going to a controller bucket for counting monitoring statistics.

Other policy examples are contained in the examples/ directory. Compiler usage information is listed below.

Usage: tkat [options]
  -in     Input file name (default stdin)
  -out    Output file name (default none)
  -test   Runs unit tests
  -stats  Output performance statistics as csv to stdout
  -help   Display this list of options



All of the data for the performance benchmarks is contained in the data/ directory. The topology zoo data can be found in the data/zoo directory. Each topology is encoded in the .gml graph language format. The stanford data can be found in the data/stanford directory. The port_map.txt and backbone_topology.tf files describe the backbone topology, while the .of files describe Openflow rules in a json format.

After running the experiments, the generated Temporal NetKAT files (.tkat) can be found in the scripts/zoo and scripts/stanford directories.


To test the compiler quickly, you can compile just the stanford network with:

make pldi-small

This should take no more than a minute or two. Here is the output on my machine:

time make pldi-small
python scripts/pldi-experiments.py stanford
Generating .tkat files: /Users/ryanbeckett/Desktop/pldi/Temporal-NetKAT/scripts/stanford/stanford...
Compiling stanford_global.tkat...
Compiling stanford_global_congested.tkat...
Compiling stanford_global_ddos.tkat...
Compiling stanford_global_matrix.tkat...
Compiling stanford_global_physical.tkat...
Compiling stanford_global_simple.tkat...
Compiling stanford_global_slice.tkat...

real	1m23.652s
user	1m22.406s
sys	0m0.771s

To compile all policies for both the Stanford network and the Topology Zoo, run, and to reproduce the graphs used in the paper, run the command:

make pldi

Compilation was tested on a MacBook Pro with an 8-core, 2.4 GHz Intel Core i7 processor with 8GB RAM and took just under 2 hours to complete. The output compiler performance statistics, Temporal NetKAT policy files, and generated graphs will be in the scripts directory.