
Welcome to RustSecureAPI, a robust and secure Rust-based API project built with Actix-Web. This repository provides a comprehensive guide and implementation for creating a scalable backend system with JWT-based authentication and PostgreSQL integration.

MIT License


Rust Authentication API with Actix-Web

This repository contains a comprehensive Rust-based API project using Actix-Web. The API includes robust JWT-based authentication, user management, and Swagger UI integration for interactive API documentation.

Table of Contents

Project Overview

This project showcases how to build a complete authentication system with Rust, using Actix-Web. The API is designed to be scalable and secure, integrating PostgreSQL for data storage and JWT for user authentication.

Key Features:

  • User Authentication: Secure user registration, login, and logout using JWT.
  • User Management: Retrieve user information and list all users.
  • Database Integration: PostgreSQL with SQLx for efficient database handling.
  • Environment Configurations: Manage configurations via environment variables.
  • Error Handling: Comprehensive error handling with custom error types.
  • API Documentation: Integrated Swagger UI for interactive API documentation.
  • Middleware: Custom middleware for authentication and role-based access control.

Project Structure

├── src
│   ├── handlers           # API route handlers
│   │   ├──         # Utility functions module
│   │   ├──        # Authentication-related handlers
│   │   ├──       # User-related handlers
│   ├── utils              # Utility functions
│   │   ├──         # Utility functions module
│   │   ├──    # Password hashing and verification
│   │   ├──       # JWT signing and verification
│   ├──            # Middleware implementations
│   ├──          # Configuration file for environment variables
│   ├──              # Database access layer
│   ├──            # Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)
│   ├──           # Error handling module
│   ├──            # Application entry point
│   ├──          # Database models
├── migrations             # Database migrations folder (created by SQLx)
├── .env                   # Environment variables file
├── Cargo.toml             # Rust dependencies and project metadata
├──              # Project documentation

Setup Instructions


Ensure you have the following tools installed:

Environment Variables

Create a .env file in the root directory with the following content:

JWT_EXPIRATION=60  # JWT expiration time in minutes

Replace the placeholders with your actual database credentials and desired JWT configuration.

Database Migrations

Run the following command to perform database migrations:

sqlx migrate run

This will set up the necessary database schema for the application.

Running the Server

Start the server using the command:

cargo run

The API will be accessible at http://localhost:8000.

API Endpoints

Authentication Endpoints

  • Register User: POST /api/auth/register
  • Login User: POST /api/auth/login
  • Logout User: POST /api/auth/logout

User Endpoints

  • Get Authenticated User: GET /api/users/me
  • List Users: GET /api/users

Each endpoint is protected by JWT-based authentication, ensuring secure access.

Swagger UI

Swagger UI is integrated for interactive API exploration and documentation. Access it by navigating to:


Here, you can view all the available endpoints, along with detailed information on request and response formats.


Authentication Middleware Guard

The custom authentication middleware guards routes by verifying the presence and validity of JWT tokens. It ensures that only authenticated users can access certain endpoints.

Role-Based Access Control

In addition to authentication, some routes enforce role-based access control (RBAC) using the RequireAuth middleware, which checks user roles like Admin, Moderator, or User.

OpenAPI Documentation

The project supports OpenAPI 3.0, with schema generation and endpoint documentation provided through the utoipa crate.

Adding and Customizing OpenAPI Documentation

  • Register the OpenAPI Schema: The openapi object is configured in
  • Register the API Handler as OpenAPI Path: Each handler is registered as an OpenAPI path with detailed descriptions.
  • Serving the Swagger UI: The OpenAPI object is served via a web server, accessible through Swagger UI.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


If you find this project useful and would like to support its continued development, you can make a donation via Buy Me a Coffee.

Thank you for your support!

Extracted from project README
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