
OAS 3.1 Validation and Diff CLI Tool



OAS 3.1 Validation and Diff Tool


  • Git
  • Make
  • Go 1.18+


  • Build
    make build
  • Run
    ./build/oasdiff --version


  • Validate
    --base-file value, --f1 value    path of the base OAS 3.1 file
    --help, -h                                   show help (default: false)
  • Diff
    --base-file value, --f1 value    path of the base OAS 3.1 file
    --second-file value, --f2 value  path of the second OAS 3.1 file
    --type-filter value, --tf value  changelog Type filter (create/update/delete)
    --output-html, --oh              save an html report (default: false)
    --output-endpoint, --oe          endpoint based changelog output (default: false)
    --loose, -l                      loosely diff, ignores global case sensitivity for strings comparisons and ignore headers that start with 'x-' and 'user-agent' (default: false)
    --include-file-path, --ifp       whether or not to include the full file path from the diff changelog (default: false)
    --ignore-descriptions, --id      whether or not to ignore descriptions when performing the diff (default: false)
    --ignore-examples, --ie          whether or not to ignore examples when performing the diff (default: false)
    --help, -h                       show help (default: false)


  • Version
    ./build/oasdiff -v
  • Available Commands
  • Validate
    ./build/oasdiff validate --base-file examples/invalid.json
    ./build/oasdiff validate --f1 examples/invalid.json
  • Diff
    ./build/oasdiff diff --base-file examples/simple.json --second-file examples/simple2.json
    ./build/oasdiff diff --base-file examples/simple.json --second-file examples/simple2.json --loose
    ./build/oasdiff diff --f1 examples/simple.json --f2 examples/simple2.json --type-filter create
    ./build/oasdiff diff --f1 examples/simple.json --f2 examples/simple2.json --type-filter update
    ./build/oasdiff diff --f1 examples/simple.json --f2 examples/simple2.json --type-filter delete
    ./build/oasdiff diff --f1 examples/simple.json --f2 examples/simple2.json --ignore-descriptions
    ./build/oasdiff diff --f1 examples/simple.json --f2 examples/simple2.json --ignore-examples
    ./build/oasdiff diff --f1 examples/simple.json --f2 examples/simple2.json --loose --ignore-descriptions --ignore-examples
    ./build/oasdiff diff --f1 examples/simple.json --f2 examples/simple2.json --output-html
    ./build/oasdiff diff --f1 examples/simple.json --f2 examples/simple2.json --output-endpoint
    ./build/oasdiff diff --f1 examples/simple.json --f2 examples/simple2.json --output-endpoint --output-html --type-filter update

Array Identifiers

Array identifiers are used only for arrays to compare arrays by a matching identifier and not based on order. If an identifiable element is found in both the from and to structures, they will be directly compared

  • Servers
    URL         string             `json:"url,omitempty" diff:"url,identifier"`
  • Tags
    Name         string        `json:"name,omitempty" diff:"name,identifier"`
  • Parameters
    Name         string        `json:"name,omitempty" diff:"name,identifier"`

Changelog Rules

  • Arrays
    CREATE/DELETE -> Always the entire element
    UPDATE -> Only the property, exception if the property is the identifier


  • openapi field is not a part of the changelog, we only support OAS version 3.1, so any changes will cause a validation failure
  • jsonSchemaDialect field is not a part of the changelog, we only support OAS version 3.1 and it uses JSON Schema Validation Draft 2020-12
  • Specification Extensions are not supported (TODO)
  • parameters array of Reference Object are not supported (TODO)