
Notes and automation pertaining to my home internet appliance (PCEngines/coreboot/OpenBSD/Ansible).

BSD-3-CLAUSE License




This repo contains revised notes and Ansible collateral from building this fully open source router, circa early Feb 2017.

01/19 update: switch to DNS-over-TLS and a much larger adservers/bad sites blacklist collated from multiple sources.

08/18 update: an official WireGuard userspace implementation is available and working on OpenBSD 6.3. The router now features this revolutionary VPN on tun0.

07/18 update: friends don't let friends have Bufferbloat. FQ-CoDel was merged into 6.2 so take advantage of it.

03/18 update: moved from OpenBSD 6.0-CURRENT to 6.3-STABLE. The router had a solid 400 day uptime.


The router is built almost entirely of PCEngines components, running coreboot and OpenBSD, with all modifications to the base install immutable by way of Ansible.


A couple of reasons really. Firstly, it undoubtedly would have been more orthodox to put the FreeBSD-based pfSense on this kit and be done with it. However, while I've continued to follow OpenBSD's bi-annual releases with interest, it has been a good few years since I put it on a device for a reason. Plus, with the recent flurry of IoT/consumer router vulns, I get the feeling I'm going to want my home internet appliance protected by OpenBSD in the future.

There was definitely a little nod to nostalgia as well. The project was reminiscent of building a homebrew router as a teenager for sharing out the family ISDN connection. Cobbling together an old Pentium box/NICs/Modem, unable to decide between the BSDs, Slackware, Gentoo, messing around with interface settings, pf, ipchains, pppd and so on. Busting out the null modem cable and screen also brought back fond memories from time spent interning in Sun Microsystem's labs. Slapping OpenWRT or DD-WRT on a consumer router just wouldn't have given the same satisfaction.

Finally, pragmatically speaking, I wanted a little more muscle in my internet appliance for use cases like: OpenVPN, IRC bouncing, TOR, hosted git, torrenting daemon hooked up to my NAS etc., as opposed to delegating those use cases downstream to yet another device. The apu2c4 is the right mixture of power and efficiency (I read it draws ~6w but haven't checked).


Quantity Part # Description USD Origin
1 apu2c4 APU.2C4 system board 4GB $106.00 TW
1 case1d2blku Enclosure 3 LAN, black, USB $9.40 CN
1 ac12vuk AC adapter 12V 2A UK for IT equipment $4.30 CN
1 msata16e SSD M-Sata 16GB MLC Phison $14.50 TW
1 wle200nx Compex WLE200NX miniPCI express card $17.50 CN
2 pigsma Cable I-PEX -> reverse SMA $2.90 TW
2 antsmadb Antenna reverse SMA dual band $4.00 CN
1 usbcom1a Adapter USB to DB9F with cable $7.50 CN

Total (incl. shipping to Australia): $183.20 USD

Additionally, you will need...

  • Small USB flash
  • Ethernet cables
  • OpenBSD
  • Screwdriver
  • Pliers
  • Patience


NOTE: Prior to assembly it would be wise to read the APU2 series board reference.

  1. Install heat spreader and make sure it's pressed against the enclosure.

  2. Attach bottom of enclosure, screw back in DB2 bolts and enclosure bolts.

    NOTE: Don't forget to remove the DB9 bolts when slotting in the enclosure.

  3. Attach the SSD (be sure to identify the mSATA from the mPCI slots) and any other mPCIs/SD cards.

  4. Attach the wireless radio card.

    NOTE: Wireless radio cards are ESD sensitive, especially the RF switch and the power amplifier. To avoid damage by electrostatic discharge, the following installation procedure is recommended from PCEngines:

    1. Touch your hands and the bag containing the radio card to a ground point on the router board (for example one of the mounting holes). This will equalize the potential of radio card and router board.
    2. Install the radio card in the miniPCI express socket.
    3. Install the pigtail cable in the cut-out of the enclosure. This will ground the pigtail to the enclosure.
    4. Touch the I-PEX connector of the pigtail to the mounting hole (discharge), then plug onto the radio card (this is where the pre-requisite patience comes in. I found this very finicky and spent perhaps 15 mins just getting those bastards in!)
  5. Attach the antennae, making sure the washer bolt is tight.

  6. Finish screwing the enclosure and plug in the DB9 cable.

  7. Plug the DC cable in first before power outlet to avoid arcing.


Serial Console

I was using a Macbook/macOS for this project.

Serial Settings: 115200 baud rate, 8N1 (8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit). See here.

The PCEngines usbcom1a uses the Silicon Labs CP2104 controller for which you can grab the driver here (Mac/Linux/Windows)

2018 update: to get this driver working on Sierra I had to install the legacy version of v5 twice. The double install gets the devices created and kernel driver loaded. No response from SiLabs on a fix at the time of writing this.

# Use a terminal multiplexer like `screen`
screen /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART 115200
# Remember you're in screen, usual rules apply. Quit or Detach (below):
<C-a D D>

NOTE: pay attention to the BIOS version here, later you will decide whether it needs updated or not.


First and foremost, you should probably run a Memtest.

  1. Power cycle the router.

  2. Quickly fire in an F10 (remember fn key if Macbook) before the boot sequence gets too far.

    NOTE: This is a good time to make sure your SATA/PCI slots are seated and registered. They show up in the F10 menu.

  3. Select: Payload [memtest]

  1. ~2 hours later I had completed one pass which was good enough for me.

    NOTE: The apu2c4's AMD GX-412TC has a max temp rating of 90C. Mine hit a max of 69C during this test in a 30C ambient temperature (Australian summer)

BIOS Update

If the BIOS version you have (as noted above) is earlier than that which is available on PCEngines, continue with this section.

NOTE: In hindsight I realised I could have flashed the ROM from within OpenBSD using flashrom. You may alernatively wish to just go ahead with the BSD install and update your BIOS afterwards. Regardless, what follows are the notes I took, some of which will be relevant anyway.


This step involves creating a bootable USB containing PCEngine's TinyCoreLinux and the latest APU2 ROM. At the time of writing this, the following versions and instructions applied to macOS:

File Link Digest
PCEngines TinyCore Linux http://pcengines.ch/file/apu2-tinycore6.4.img.gz 48b8e0f21792648889aa99bf8156fed7
PCEngines apu2 ROM http://www.pcengines.ch/file/apu2_160311.zip 780a8ffaa034e013fef7126f3f986646
  1. Grab and verify the distributions:

    # Download
    curl -O http://pcengines.ch/file/apu2-tinycore6.4.img.gz
    curl -O http://www.pcengines.ch/file/apu2_160311.zip
    # Uncompress
    gunzip apu2-tinycore6.4.img.gz
    unzip apu2_160311.zip
    # Verify
    md5 apu2-tinycore6.4.img # 48b8e0f21792648889aa99bf8156fed7
    md5 apu2_160311.rom # 780a8ffaa034e013fef7126f3f986646
  2. Add the ROM to the disk image. The easiest way I could find was simply to mount the IMG and drag the ROM into it, both using Finder.

  3. Unmount both the IMG file and the USB

  4. Write the IMG to the raw USB device. In my case this was disk2. Double check with diskutil list.

    sudo dd if=apu2-tinycore6.4.img of=/dev/rdisk2 bs=1m

Flash the BIOS

  1. With the USB in a slot, power cycle the router.
  2. Either fire in an F10 again, or wait and the boot order should kick in and launch TinyCore Linux from the USB.
  3. This should land you in a rootshell with /media/SYSLINUX the mounted USB. Proceed to flash the ROM:
    flashrom -p internal -w /media/SYSLINUX/apu2_160311.rom
  4. Reboot after you see the final Verifying flash... VERIFIED.


If one of your hopes for this kit is for it to function as a wireless access point, and you've bought the wlen200nx above (Atheros AR9280 chipset), or any Atheros based radio card, then you should look into the current status of 11n hostap support for athn(4).

At this time 6.0 is the latest OpenBSD-STABLE and athn(4) supports only a/b/g modes for hostap. I tested b/g on -STABLE, unscientifically at first through web browsing and speedtest-cli, then a little more scientifically with a few runs through iperf.

NOTE: you'll need the dual-band antenna if testing a.

The results were consistently disappointing - unusable bulk data transfer rates regardless of mode and channel. YMMV here, but others seem have had similar results according to the OpenBSD mailing lists. It seems the WiFi stack is still basic in this particular area, and I read there's simply not enough devs working on it.

However! 11n support is being actively worked on in 6.0 -CURRENT. I am running this version and seeing significant improvements in data transfer speeds. Unfortunately still not as fast as my old Linksys/DD-WRT based access point. Though I still need to spend more time looking at optimising the OpenBSD network stack and selecting the perfect channel for my apartment, plus I can always fall back on using the Linksys unit as a bridged access point if all else fails.

Anyway, choose -STABLE or -CURRENT (or perhaps 6.1+) based on your WiFi access point needs and continue.


  1. You will want to grab the latest OpenBSD filesystem image and verify its SHA256 hash:

    NOTE: Use a mirror local to you.

    # STABLE
    curl -O http://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/6.0/amd64/install60.fs
    shasum -a 256 install60.fs # Matches the install60.fs line item @ https://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/6.0/amd64/SHA256
    curl -O https://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/amd64/install60.fs
    shasum -a 256 install60.fs # Matches the install60.fs line item @ https://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/amd64/SHA256
  2. Stick the flash drive back into the Macbook, unmount it and write the OpenBSD filesystem to the drive:

    # Assuming `disk2` as before (again, confirm with `diskutil list`)
    diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2
    # Write install60.fs to the flash drive
    sudo dd if=install60.fs of=/dev/rdisk2 bs=1m
    # macOS mounted it again for me after this, so...
    diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2
  3. Plug the flash drive into the router and turn it on. Assuming the boot sequence is the same as mine this will land you at the boot> prompt. If not, launch the USB from the BIOS menu or edit the BIOS settings and change the order so that USB slots are first up.

  4. Pay attention to the serial console FAQ. I found I had to tell the boot process to use the serial port as a console and change the baud rate. Though I found I didn't have to persist this in boot.conf(5) as the FAQ said; it seemed to get done for me.

    boot> set tty com0
    boot> stty com0 115200
  5. Go ahead with an OpenBSD install.

    Welcome to the OpenBSD/amd64 6.0 installation program.
    (I)nstall, (U)pgrade, (A)utoinstall or (S)hell?

    NOTE: I won't detail install steps here; the documentation has a sterling reputation for a reason.

    That said, you'll not have much need for the X11 and game install sets so you may as well de-select those.


It would be poor form to not practice what I preach in my day job and so I've taken to driving all modifications to the userspace using automation. The "immutability" aspect could be further improved with something like Packer building out the OpenBSD filesystem image but that seemed like overkill. I just wanted to be able to blow away the OS and bring it back to where it was. I took the easy way out with (some pretty unidiomatic) Ansible and may revisit with something like NixOps which has been on my learn-list for ages.


Nothing special or highly refined in terms of Ansible here.

The settings.yml contains all variables used in the jinja2 templates and ./go.sh <ip> orchestrates a few Ansible runs against the new OpenBSD install.

Firstly to bootstrap Python for Ansible (using password auth via paramiko):

ansible -m raw -c paramiko -u "${USER}" -k \
    -b --become-method=su --ask-su-pass -a \
    "PKG_PATH=https://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/packages/amd64 \
    pkg_add python-${PYTHON_VERSION}" -i "$1," "$1"

Then a 1st provisioning pass enables doas(1) and disables password auth in lieu of successfully configuring public keys:

ansible-playbook bootstrap.yml -kKi "$1,"

The main event provisions the rest of the configuration using key based logins and doas(1) for superuser access:

ansible-playbook provision.yml -i "$1,"

Noteworthy Configurations


OpenSMTPD is configured to externally relay using Google's SMTP servers. To do the same, you will need to enable "less secure apps" on the Gmail account. Obviously use a burner account exclusively for this purpose rather than your personal Google account.

With SMTP relay set up, the last steps involving mail are to configure a mail alias for root to be the personal account in settings.yml.


sensorsd(8) is enabled to monitor the CPU temperature. I chose the arbitrary value of 70C. If the CPU temp exceeds this value then a mail will be sent to root (and thus my private email account as above).


fstab(5) is updated to mount the root filesystem with no access time logging and soft updates for performance reasons.


Unbound DNS is enabled and configured to be a recursive caching DNS with upstream DNS-over-TLS nameservers (so my DNS requests are encrypted in transit). At the other end I'm using Cloudflare. From where I am, Cloudflare is faster than Google, and state they'll never use the data and wipe logs within 24h, with KPMG on retainer performing audits keeping them to their word.

Fixed LAN clients declared in settings.yml are added as local-data resolutions, including the server hostname itself. The are also set up for reverse DNS.

Finally a blacklist of domains is scraped, parsed and loaded, with each configured to resolve localhost i.e. null routed. The DB is updated monthly from upstream using a cron.

Network Time

NTP is enabled and pointed at a pool as per settings.yml and dhcpd(8) is configured to advertise this to clients.


The apu2c4 board has 3 NICs. The first of which, the em0 interface, is used in conjunction with a pppoe0 interface to make a connection to my ISP. Username/password configured in settings.yml.

The remaining NIC interfaces (em1 and em2) are plumbed along with athn0, the wireless card, into a link aggregate interface which binds on the configured ip/netmask/broadcast in settings.yml (as the vether0 interface). This completes the egress and LAN networking.


The pf.conf(5) jinja2 template is individually annotated with comments. Below are a few highlights:

  • A table of bogus private addresses (bogons) is used in rules on the egress interface (in pf speak, this is the current default route). Anything coming in on egress destined for, or out on egress destined to one of these addresses will be dropped quick.
  • This table is updated weekly using a cron, and reloaded into pf via pfctl(8). The bogon list is grabbed from Team Cymru's reference.
  • Scrubbing/normalization is performed on all incoming packets and MSS clamping (1452, matching a respective kernel param in sysctl.conf) is performed on egress.
  • Interactive SSH sessions, ICMP, DNS queries and packets with low-delay ToS are given priority.
  • SSH connections are allowed in to the external port declared in the settings.yml (Ansible also updates sshd_config based on this port).

NOTE: Setting the external port to :443 and using something like corkscrew would allow for tunneling out of a corporate network via the https proxy, if one were so inclined.

  • A state table is maintained for suspected SSH brute force attempts. Any client matching a brute force pattern will be added to this table and subsequently dropped.
  • syslogd(8) is used to translate firewall logs into ASCII format, and a cron and pf_log_rotate.sh is used for rotation.


Also found in the pf.conf(5) is a fix for Bufferbloat. The uplink_ variables should be set to about 90-95% of your uplink up/down in megabytes.

Use DSLreports.com's SpeedTest for Bufferbloat analysis:


The WireGuard-go implementation is installed and configured via the provisioning process. It's possible to change things like port, CIDR blocks, peers etc. through settings.yml.

I'm mostly remotely accessing my home network with macOS. I'd recommend making use of pass by the same author as WireGuard for encrypting private keys. This is achieved simply by replacing the PrivateKey line under [Interface] in the WireGuard config with:

PostUp = wg set %i private-key <(su user -c "export PASSWORD_STORE_DIR=/path/to/pass/store/; pass WireGuard/private-keys/%i")

In terms of workflow on macOS, here's how you'd use AppleScript and the WireGuard CLI tools.


Prometheus' node_exporter is installed and configured as a system daemon as part of the Ansible provision run.

I have Prometheus itself running, along with Alertmanager and Grafana, on another server within my network. This is the dashboard I'm using. It looks something like this:


  • IRC bouncer
  • Port knocking for LAN services
  • Set certain partitions as read-only