
Archlinux PKGBUILDs for Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, NLP and Computer Vision


Data Science packages for Archlinux

Welcome to my repo to build Data Science, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Natural language Processing and Deep Learning packages from source.

Performance considerations

My aim is to squeeze the maximum performance for my current configuration (Skylake-X i9-9980XE + 2x RTX 2080Ti) so:

  • All packages are build with -O3 -march=native if the package ignores /etc/makepkg.conf config.
  • I do not use fast-math except if it's the default upstream (example opencv). You might want to enable it for GCC and NVCC (Nvidia compiler)
  • All CUDA packages are build with CUDA 10.1, cuDNN 7.6 and Compute capabilities 7.5 (Turing).
  • Pytorch is build
    • with MAGMA support. Magma is a linear algebra library for heterogeneous computing (CPU + GPU hybridization)
    • with MKLDNN support. MKLDNN is a optimized x86 backend for deep learning.
  • BLAS library is MKL except for Tensorflow (Eigen).
  • Parallel library is Intel OpenMP except for Tensorflow (Eigen), PyTorch (because linking is buggy) and OpenCV (Intel TBB, because linking is buggy as well)
  • OpenCV is further optimized with Intel IPP (Integrated Performance Primitives)
  • Nvidia libraries (CuBLAS, CuFFT, CuSPARSE ...) are used wherever possible

If running in a LXC container, bazel (necessary to build Tensorflow), must be build with its auto-sandboxing disabled.


Please note that current mxnet and lightgbm packages are working but must be improved: they put their libraries in /usr/mxnet and /usr/lightgbm Packages included are those not available by default in Archlinux AUR or that needed substantial modifications. So check Archlinux AUR for standard packages like Numpy or Pandas.


Beyond the packages provided here, here are some useful tools:

  • CSV manipulation from command-line
    • xsv - The fastest, multi-processing CSV library. Written in Rust.
  • Geographical data (combined them with a clustering algorithm)
    • Geopy
    • Shapely
  • GPU computation
  • Monitoring
    • htop - Monitor CPU, RAM, load, kill programs
    • nvtop - Monitor Nvidia GPU
    • nvidia-smi - Monitor Nvidia GPU (included with nvidia driver)
      1. nvidia-smi -q -g 0 -d TEMPERATURE,POWER,CLOCK,MEMORY -l #Flags can be UTILIZATION, PERFORMANCE (on Tesla) ...
      2. nvidia-smi dmon
      3. nvidia-smi -l 1
  • Rapid prototyping, Research
    • Jupyter - Code Python, R, Haskell, Julia with direct feedback in your browser
    • jupyter_contrib_nbextensions - Extensions for jupyter (commenting code, ...)
  • Text
    • gensim - word2vec
  • Time data
    • Workalendar - Business calendar for multiple countries
  • Video
    • Vapoursynth - Frameserver for video pre-processing
  • Visualization
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