
Display a videostream from your webcam with JavaFX and JavaCV

APACHE-2.0 License



A project which shows how to use JavaFX together with OpenCV / JavaCV bindings.

This project can be used as a starting point for experiments with OpenCV and Java. It showcases the usage of the PixelBuffer API which permits a fast display / rendering of a webcam image stream with JavaFX.

Furthermore it uses javafx-maven-plugin to generate a custom java image.

You will need at least Java11 and Maven 3.6.2 to build.

Compile and run with javafx-maven-plugin

For a quick glimpse of what this project does just checkout the code and enter

mvn javafx:run -Djavacpp.platform.custom

Note: Providing javacpp properties is not mandatory, but it reduces download size for bytedeco significantly (only fetches libs for your platform - remember to always provide those parameters though).

After downloading dependencies and compiling a window should appear with your webcam image stream.

If you want to create a custom jre distribution, enter

mvn javafx:jlink -Djavacpp.platform.custom

which creates a custom JDK11 based distribution. You can start the application by entering


If you peek into the javacv-webcam directory.

Attention: If you are using Windows or Linux you'll have to adapt to include native libraries of suitable for those platforms. On MacOsX, you may have problems with permissions to access your webcam from a java application, make sure to allow access in your system preferences.

Compile and run with client-maven-plugin

This project contains also a configuration for compiling it to a native image using GraalVM. You have to download and install GraalVM in a recent version (I tested it with 20.2.0) and then compile and run it with following command:

mvn clean client:build client:run -Djavacpp.platform.custom -Dgraalvm.home=/path/to/your/graalvm/distribution

After downloading necessary toolings, dependencies and compiling and linking (takes some time) a JavaFX application which uses your webcam will start.


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