
A list of small OpenGL applications to demonstrate concepts of Computer Graphics

MIT License


OpenGL Demos

This repository contains a compendium of small OpenGL applications built to demonstrate concepts of Computer Graphics. It is used as support material for the Computer Graphics course at the Federal University of Fronteira Sul. The demos in this repository were mainly created by Cesar Tadeu Pozzer at the Federal University of Santa Maria.

Course responsible: Fernando Bevilacqua [[email protected]]

Getting started

All demos should work fine on Windows and Linux. Follow the guides below according to the platform you are using.

1. Windows

1.1 Prerequisites

Ensure that your machine has up-to-date graphic drivers and a development environment is installed, e.g. Visual Studio Community. You also need git installed.

1.2 Clone the project

Clone this repository in a folder of your choice, e.g. c:\:

git clone opengl-demos && cd opengl-demos

1.3 Open the solution file

Open the solution file named OpenGL-demos.sln to load all the demos/projects.

1.4 Build all demos (optional)

If you want to test all demos/projetcs right away, after opening the solution file, go to Build -> Build Solution (or press F7). If nothing goes wrong, you should see several executable files in the folder build\x64\Debug (or build\x64\Release if you compiled using the release configuration)

1.5 Running and compiling a particular demo

You can compile and run any of the demos/projects individually by right-clicking it in the solution explorer, then selecting Set as Startup Project. After that, hit F5 and the project will compile and run.

2. Linux

2.1 Prerequisites

Ensure that your machine has up-to-date graphic drivers and a development environment is installed, e.g. build-essential is installed. If you are not sure you have a dev environment setup, run:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install build-essential git

2.2 Clone the project

Clone this repository in a folder of your choice, e.g. /tmp:

git clone opengl-demos && cd opengl-demos

2.3 Install project dependencies

The demos use several 3rd-party libraries that must be installed. You can install them all by running the following command in the project root folder (the one containing the Makefile and OpenGL-demos.sln files):

make install-deps

The command will ask for a sudo password and proceed with the installation of all dependencies.

2.4 Build all demos (optional)

If you want to test all demos/projetcs right away, you can use make to build them at once. In the project root folder, run:

make all

2.5 Running and compiling a particular demo

You can compile and run any of the demos/projects individually by running the command make <demo-name> where <demo-name> is the name of a demo. For example, to compile the demo rotating-cube, run:

make rotating-cube

If you want to list the name of all available demos or get help about the build process, run:

make help

You can also compile a particular demo by navigating into its source code folder and running make there:

cd src/rotating-cude && make

3. Demos related to Three.js (optional)

There are several demos that use Three.js, a lightweight cross-browser JavaScript library/API used to create and display animated 3D computer graphics on a Web browser.

To improve your experience with the demos related to Three.js, install Visual Studio Code:

apt install code

Then install the Live Server extension:

code --install-extension ritwickdey.liveserver

Finally, open the opengl-demos folder in Visual Studio Code and click the Go Live button in the taskbar:

Demos related to three.js will be available under /src/threejs-*/, e.g.


The code files in this repository have mixed licenses. Please refer to each file/project to check its license.


See all changes in the CHANGELOG file.

Useful links