
A-Frame components for working with tile-based Terrarium elevation and OpenStreetMap vector data.

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Two A-Frame components for working with 3D OpenStreetMap data.


terrarium-dem will download DEM data in Terrarium PNG format from a given URL, and optionally render it as a terrain mesh. It accepts the following properties:

  • url : The URL which provides the Terrarium DEM data. May contain {x}, {y} and {z} placeholders.
  • zoom : The (XYZ) zoom to use, defining the tiling system.
  • lat : the latitude to download.
  • lon : the longitude to download.
  • render : do we render the DEM as a 3D mesh? (boolean). If not, only the
    raw elevation data will be emitted, which can the be used by other components,
    such as osm3d (below), to add elevation to geodata.
  • color and opacity : define the material properties of the mesh. Note
    that the Lambert material is used for the mesh; in tests this has given the
    best result.

When the DEM data is downloaded, a terrarium-dem-loaded event will be emitted, containing in its detail:

  • tile: a Tile object from jsfreemaplib.
  • demData: a nine-member array containing the DEM data itself for this tile and for the eight surrounding tiles. This is a DEM object from jsfreemaplib.

In addition, a terrarium-start-update event will be emitted as soon as the data download begins, which can be used, for example, to display a status message elsewhere in the application. (Note that data for a given longitude and latitude will not be downloaded if that DEM tile has already been downloaded)


osm3d will generate rendered 3D polyline meshes of OSM ways, as well as raw OSM way and POI data with elevation added, using the data emitted from the terrarium-dem component (as described above), or anywhere else. It takes two properties:

  • url : the URL to download the OSM data from. May contain {x}, {y} and {z} placeholders.
  • emitRawData : do we emit raw data? (boolean, see below).

It emits an osm-data-loaded event on completion, containing:

  • renderedWays: an array of rendered OSM ways as meshes, represented as world coordinates based on Spherical Mercator but with the sign of z reversed to fit in with the WebGL coordinate system.

  • pois: an array of POI features in GeoJSON feature format, i.e. with geometry and properties. As no rendered object is created, the coordinates are in unprojected, WGS84 lon/lat.

  • rawData: only emitted if the emitRawData is true (false by default). Contains all raw data downloaded from the API in GeoJSON format and in WGS84 (no rendered meshes), for not just the current tile but the eight surrounding. This is useful, for instance, in route-finding applications. It's used by the Hikar web app

By default, osm3d will respond to a terrarium-dem-loaded event and calculate elevations of the OSM data using the DEM data within the event. So osm3d works well with terrarium-dem, though you can, if you wish, use osm3d with your own DEM provider, as long as it emits a terrarium-dem-loaded event.

jsfreemaplib versions compatibility

Note that aframe-osm-3d depends on jsfreemaplib. Matching versions must be used:

  • aframe-osm-3d version 0.1.x requires jsfreemaplib version 0.2.x.
  • aframe-osm-3d version 0.2.x - 0.4.x require jsfreemaplib version 0.3.x.
  • aframe-osm-3d version 0.5.x requires jsfreemaplib version 0.4.x.

CHANGES version 0.5.2

renderRoads property (true by default) can be set to false if you do not want roads to be rendered automatically.

CHANGES version 0.5.0

  • Use near-standard GeoJSON format for pois emitted from osm3d, i.e. with a geometry property containing coordinates. The elevation is included in the coordinates array now as the third member, not the second.

  • Allow for below-sea-level elevations, using changes in jsfreemaplib 0.4.x.

CHANGES version 0.4.0

osm3d now assumes that the GeoJSON API will provide data in WGS84 lon/lat, for better standards compliance. Does the projection to Spherical Mercator internally.

Also, now only the rendered way meshes are projected into Spherical Mercator. The POIs, and the raw data, are both now in WGS84 lon/lat.

CHANGES version 0.3.0

The osm-data-loaded now emits the actual rendered way meshes in the renderedWays property of the event (rather than the way IDs). This is rather cleaner. Do note that this is a breaking change and you will need to update your osm-data-loaded event handler accordingly.