
A collection of custom overlays for SCEE

CC0-1.0 License


SCEE Custom Overlays

A collection of custom overlays for SCEE.


  • Smoothness
  • Tracktype
  • Sidewalk surface
  • Sidewalk
  • Separate cylceway
  • Cycleway
  • Path
  • Highway
  • Suspicious highway
  • Highway nodes
  • Crossing
  • access
  • Suspicious access
  • Traffic sign
  • Barrier
  • Traffic calming
  • Maxspeed
  • Suspicious Maxspeed
  • Lanes
  • All nodes / All ways / All relations
  • Landuse
  • Leisure
  • Name
  • Roof shape
  • Levels
  • Information boards


See, review, edit and maintain road smoothness.

  • highways that are service=driveway, service=slipway, access=private or access=no are not selected unless they have an existing smoothness tag.
  • Dash-filter is used for QA checks on the surface.
  • Keep in mind that there are other surface tags such as cycleway:surface and footway:surface that are not evaluated by this overlay.
  • Tip: Create a "Smoothness" preset for use with this overlay.
  • Smoothness overlay request: streetcomplete/StreetComplete#5486

Filtering details

and service !~ driveway|slipway
and access !~ private|no
or smoothness
  • nodes
  • ways
  • relations

Coloring details

  • Highlight missing data: Yes
or (surface ~ unpaved|ground)
or (smoothness = excellent and surface !~ asphalt|concrete|concrete:plates|sett|paving_stones)
or (smoothness = good and surface ~ unpaved|rock|pebblestone|ground|dirt|earth|grass|grass_paver|mud|sand|woodchips|snow|ice)
or (smoothness = intermediate and surface ~ unpaved|rock|ground|dirt|earth|mud|sand|woodchips|snow|ice)


See, review, edit and maintain the tracktype of tracks.

  • All highway=track are selected.
  • Dash-filter is used for QA checks on the surface.

Filtering details

  • nodes
  • ways
  • relations

Coloring details

  • Highlight missing data: Yes
or tracktype and surface
and (
    (tracktype=grade1 and surface !~ asphalt|concrete|concrete:plates|sett|paving_stones)
    or (tracktype=grade2 and surface !~ compacted|fine_gravel|gravel|shells|pebblestone)
    or (tracktype=grade3 and surface ~ unpaved|ground)
    or (tracktype=grade5 and surface !~ unpaved|fine_gravel|gravel|shells|rock|pebblestone|ground|dirt|earth|grass|mud|sand|woodchips|snow|ice|salt)
    or (surface ~ asphalt|concrete|concrete:plates|sett|paving_stones and tracktype != grade1)
    or (surface ~ ground|dirt|earth|mud|sand and tracktype != grade5)

Sidewalk surface

See, review, edit and maintain the surface of sidewalks tagged on streets.

Filtering details

sidewalk:both = yes
or sidewalk:left = yes
or sidewalk:right = yes
or sidewalk ~ both|left|right
  • nodes
  • ways
  • relations

Coloring details

  • Highlight missing data: Yes


See and review sidewalks.

  • In contrast to the StreetComplete Sidewalk overlay, separated sidewalks are shown.
  • Dash-filter is used to show deprecated tags.

Filtering details

or sidewalk:both
or sidewalk:left
or sidewalk:right
or (highway ~ path|cycleway|footway and foot != no)
  • nodes
  • ways
  • relations

Coloring details

  • Highlight missing data: Yes
sidewalk = none

Separate cycleways

See and review cycleway=separate on streets.

  • In contrast to the StreetComplete cylceway overlay, separated cycleways are shown.
  • Dash-filter is used to show deprecated tags.

Filtering details

~cycleway.* ~ separate
or (highway = path and bicycle = designated)
or (highway = cycleway)
  • nodes
  • ways
  • relations

Coloring details

  • Highlight missing data: Yes


See, review, edit and maintain cycleway infrastructure.

  • Dash-filter is used to show deprecated tags.

Filtering details

highway ~ path|cycleway|footway
or ~cycleway.*
  • nodes
  • ways
  • relations

Coloring details

  • Highlight missing data: Yes
cycleway ~ opposite.*


See, review, edit and maintain path like highways.

Filtering details

highway ~ path|cycleway|footway
  • nodes
  • ways
  • relations

Coloring details

  • Highlight missing data: Yes


See, review, edit and maintain the highway type of ways.

  • service type and footway type are colored as well. cycleway type is not colored because the same key is used for tagging cycleways on streets.
  • Dash-filter is used to show oneway.

Filtering details

  • nodes
  • ways
  • relations

Coloring details

  • Highlight missing data: No
oneway and oneway != no

Suspicious highway

Find suspicious highways

  • footways with bicycle=designated may be better tagged as highway=path.

Filtering details

highway = footway and bicycle = designated
  • nodes
  • ways
  • relations

Coloring details

  • Highlight missing data: Yes

Highway nodes

See, review, edit and maintain the highway nodes like crossings or truning circles and other highway related nodes.

  • bus_stops and street_lamps are not selected.
  • noexit=yes is selected.
  • traffic_calming is selected.

Filtering details

and highway !~ bus_stop|street_lamp
or noexit = yes
or traffic_calming
  • nodes
  • ways
  • relations

Coloring details

  • Highlight missing data: No


See, review, edit and maintain crossings.

Filtering details

~highway|cycleway|footway ~ crossing
  • nodes
  • ways
  • relations

Coloring details

  • Highlight missing data: Yes


See, review, edit and maintain access tags.

Filtering details

(highway and highway !~ bus_stop|street_lamp|give_way)
or barrier ~ block|bollard|coupure|cycle_barrier|entrance|gate|lift_gate|sliding_gate|swing_gate|chain
  • nodes
  • ways
  • relations

Coloring details

  • Highlight missing data: No

Suspicious access

Find suspicious access tags.

  • A plain access like destination on streets is often a misstagged motor_vehicle=destination/vehicle=destination.
  • agricultural=yes is often a misstagged motor_vehicle=agricultural.
  • bicycle=permissive on public footways is not the legal access.

Filtering details

(access and access != private and !amenity and !leisure)
or agricultural = yes
or bicycle = permissive
  • nodes
  • ways
  • relations

Coloring details

  • Highlight missing data: Yes

Traffic sign

See, review, edit and maintain traffic_signs.

Filtering details

or (highway and highway !~ crossing|traffic_signals|bus_stop)
  • nodes
  • ways
  • relations

Coloring details

  • Highlight missing data: No


Filtering details

barrier ~ block|bollard|coupure|cycle_barrier|entrance|gate|lift_gate|sliding_gate|swing_gate|chain
  • nodes
  • ways
  • relations

Coloring details

  • Highlight missing data: No

Traffic calming

Filtering details

  • nodes
  • ways
  • relations

Coloring details

  • Highlight missing data: Yes


See, review, edit and maintain maxspeed restrictions.

Filtering details

highway ~ motorway|trunk|primary|secondary|tertiary|unclassified|residential|motorway_link|trunk_link|primary_link|secondary_link|tertiary_link|service|track|bus_guideway|escape|raceway|road|busway
and service !~ driveway|parking_aisle
and access !~ private|no
or highway and (~maxspeed.* or ~source:maxspeed.* or ~zone:maxspeed.*)
  • nodes
  • ways
  • relations

Coloring details

  • Highlight missing data: Yes

Suspicious maxspeed

Find suspicious maxspeed restrictions.

  • living_streets should not have a maxspeed tagged.
  • Maxspeed restrictions on tracks and service roads are often misstagged.

Filtering details

highway = living_street and ~(source:|zone:)?maxspeed.*
or highway ~ track|service and ~(source:|zone:)?maxspeed.*
  • nodes
  • ways
  • relations

Coloring details

  • Highlight missing data: Yes


Filtering details

highway ~ motorway|trunk|primary|secondary|tertiary|unclassified|residential|motorway_link|trunk_link|primary_link|secondary_link|tertiary_link|living_street|service|pedestrian|track|bus_guideway|escape|raceway|road|busway
  • nodes
  • ways
  • relations

Coloring details

  • Highlight missing data: No

All nodes / All ways / All relations

Show everythingy, very slow.

Filtering details


If you need to show zögelfrexes, you can use !tardis as filter. Showing zögelfrexes and tardises at the same time isn't allowed.

  • nodes
  • ways
  • relations

Coloring details

  • Highlight missing data: Yes


See and review landuse during surveys. Geometry edits should be done later with Vespucci, iD or JSOM.

Filtering details

(landuse and landuse !~ residential)
or natural
  • nodes
  • ways
  • relations

Coloring details

  • Highlight missing data: No


See and review leisure during surveys. Geometry edits should be done later with Vespucci, iD or JSOM.

Filtering details

  • nodes
  • ways
  • relations

Coloring details

  • Highlight missing data: No


Everything with a name tag.

Filtering details

  • nodes
  • ways
  • relations

Coloring details

  • Highlight missing data: Yes

Roof shape

Filtering details

  • nodes
  • ways
  • relations

Coloring details

  • Highlight missing data: Yes


Filtering details

  • nodes
  • ways
  • relations

Coloring details

  • Highlight missing data: Yes

Information boards

Filtering details

tourism = information
and information = board
  • nodes
  • ways
  • relations

Coloring details

  • Highlight missing data: No

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