
REST boilerplate to build APIs / microservices using the NestJS framework

MIT License


About The Project

NestJS is a great Framework to start building very robust server-side applications. There are many great templates available on GitHub; however, I didn't find one that really suited my needs so I created this very opinionated one. I wanted a boilerplate that would integrate many of the great features Nest has to offer, out-of-the-box, with the minimun configuration effort to start bootstraping an application right away.

Here's why:

  • Your time should be focused on creating something amazing. A project that solves a problem and helps others
  • You shouldn't be doing the same tasks over and over; like integrating a DB layer, a microservice layer, etc.
  • You should implement DRY principles to the rest of your life as well :)

Of course, no one template will serve all projects since your needs may be different, but here's for everyone who find it helpful.

Built With


Every time I start building an API, a REST microservice, a server-side app; there's always a set of features that I end up reusing over and over given the utility they provide. That's the main reason I have decided to create this project to bootstrap as much of this core functionality as possible.

Let's list a few of the features provided on this project:

  • Open Telemetry to instrument, generate, collect, and export telemetry data.
  • Terminus module for the healthcheck of your application exposed at /health route.
  • OpenAPI specification (Swagger) for all the HTTP routes (Thanks to NestJS CLI plugin).
  • Global exception middleware so you can catch and customize any target exception to your likings.
  • Global request-logger middleware so all the incoming and outgoing HTTP requests are logged by default with their metadata.
  • Global Cache middleware to enhance the response time of all the GET HTTP requests.
  • A programmatic way to access environment variables through DI.
  • A database ORM to interact with mulple DB drivers using the great Prisma package.
  • A programmatic way to generate logs using DI upon the right context of your application.
  • An example implementation of a Kafka transporter layer with a producer/consumer interface.
  • Husky package with lint-staged bundled with pre-commit and pre-push hooks that will run linter, formatter and tests

Folder Structure

Following the Nest way of things, I ended up up with a module-based approach when it came to structuring the code. That being said, the project comes with a series of folders and modules that you can reuse and extend to fit your needs, let's talk a bit about it.

  • config Like its name implies is a folder to place all sort of configurations for your app. cache, env, configurations live here. You can also and include more modules in it.
  • config/otel-tracer Open Telemetry SDK and configuration file.
  • config/db Quite self explanatory, this is your DB module, the folder to place all your configs and ORM layer.
  • config/logs Module where you can place the log driver used by your app. Comes with Pino and Winston out of the box.
  • core This is it, the source of evil the base code. It's a module wrapping the minimun functionality the app should have, again this is very opinionated of me, so you may choose to adjust it to fit your needs.
  • providers Folder to place external third-party SDKs or libraries (AWS, Sendgrid, etc).
  • resources Interfaces and endpoints with the bussiness logic of your app should be placed here. Modules, Controllers, Services and entities related to the solution you're building.
  • resources/healthcheck This exposes the healthcheck functionality of your app to the HTTP transport layer.
  • transporters Meant for all the microservices and interfaces other than HTTP used in your app. Kafka, Redis, NATS, etc.

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  • npm
    npm install npm@latest -g
  • Nest
    npm i -g @nestjs/cli

Installation and Usage

  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. Install NPM packages
    npm install
  3. Run the application
    npm run start


  • Add unit tests
  • Add e2e tests


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See for more information.

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