
A .NET CLR Startup Hook that exports OpenTelemetry metrics via the OTLP Exporter to an OpenTelemetry Collector

MIT License


An OpenTelemetry Startup Hook for .NET

This library is a ready-to-use .NET CLR Startup Hook that allows applications that are instrumented with System.Diagnostic.Activity tracing to send those traces to an OpenTelemetry Collector via an OpenTelemetry Exporter without having to add references to the OpenTelemetry SDK into their applications directly.

Getting Started

To use this hook in your application, you'll need:

  • An application that already has System.Diagnostic.Activity tracing enabled
  • An OpenTelemetry Collector running and ready to receive traces (for example otel-desktop-viewer)
  • This repo cloned locally
  • A .NET 8+ SDK installed

Building the Hook

Publishing this project is all you need. The project and all of its dependencies will be combined into one output assembly (at ./bin/Release/net8.0/publish/otel-startup-hook.dll)

dotnet publish

Using the Hook

Get the absolute path of the freshly-built DLL from the previous step, and set it as the value of the DOTNET_STARTUP_HOOKS environment variable.


export DOTNET_STARTUP_HOOKS=/path/to/otel-startup-hook.dll


$env:DOTNET_STARTUP_HOOKS = "C:\path\to\otel-startup-hook.dll"

Then, run your application as you normally would. The hook will automatically start up and begin sending traces to the OpenTelemetry Collector.


Configuring what is collected

Currently, only Traces are collected. Each 'source' you want to collect from must be set in the OTEL_TRACE_SOURCE_NAMES environment variable. This is a comma-separated list of source names, and these source names are usually defined in your application when you create an ActivitySource:

using System.Diagnostics;

public static class Telemetry

    // Name it after the service name for your app.
    // It can come from a config file, constants file, etc.
    public static readonly ActivitySource MyActivitySource = new("myapp");


Configuring where the traces are sent

This hook uses the OTLP endpoint exporter to send traces to the OpenTelemetry Collector. This defaults to sending traces over gRPC to http://localhost:4317. You can configure how the OTLP exporter behaves by setting various environment variables, as described in the OTLP Exporter Configuration documentation.