
Chained and minimal ORM



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

DBIx::Lite - Chained and minimal ORM

=head1 VERSION

version 0.35


use DBIx::Lite;

my $dbix = DBIx::Lite->new(driver_name => 'Pg');  # disconnected mode
my $dbix = DBIx::Lite->new(dbh => $dbh);
my $dbix = DBIx::Lite->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=$db", $user, $passwd, {pg_enable_utf8 => 1});

# build queries using chained methods -- no schema definition required
my $authors_rs = $dbix->table('authors');
my $authors_rs = $dbix->table('authors')->search({ country => 'IT' });
my $books_rs = $dbix
    ->select('id', 'title', 'year')
    ->left_join('authors', { author_id => 'id' })
    ->select_also(['authors.name' => 'author_name'])

# retrieve rows and columns -- still no schema definition required
my @authors = $authors_rs->all;
my $author = $authors_rs->search({ id => 1 })->single;
while (my $book = $books_rs->next) {
    printf "%s (%s)\n", $book->title, $book->author_name;  # automatic accessor methods
my @author_names = $authors_rs->get_column('name');
my $book_count = $books_rs->count;

# manipulate rows
my $book = $dbix->table('books')->insert({ name => 'Camel Tales', year => 2012 });
$books_rs->search({ year => { '<' => 1920 } })->update({ very_old => 1 });
$authors_rs->search({ age => { '>' => 99 } })->delete;

# define a primary key and get more features
my $author = $dbix_lite->table('authors')->find(2);
$author->update({ age => 40 });

# define relationships
$dbix->schema->one_to_many('authors.id' => 'books.author_id', 'author');
my $author = $books->author;
my $books_rs = $author->books->search({ year => 2012 });
my $book = $author->insert_related('books', { title => "A Camel's Life" });

# define custom object classes


Many ORMs and DBI abstraction layers are available on CPAN, one of the most notables being LDBIx::Class which provides the most powerful features to handle database contents using OOP.

DBIx::Lite was written with some goals in mind, that no other available module provides. Such goals/key features are:

=over 4

=item no need to define your database schema (most features work without one and some advanced features only require some bits, and still not the full table definitions)

=item no need to connect to database: the module can just generate SQL for you

=item chained methods with lazy SQL generation

=item joins/relationships

=item optional custom classes for results and resultsets with custom methods

=item LSQL::Abstract syntax

=item paging features (with LData::Page)


=head1 METHODS

Instantiating a DBIx::Lite object isn't more difficult than just writing:

my $dbix = DBIx::Lite->new(driver_name => 'Pg');

Driver name is the name of the DBI module you expect to use. We need to specify it as the generated SQL will depend on the driver. This constructor will give you an unconnected object, that you can use to generate SQL commands using the L<select_sql()>, L<insert_sql()>, L<update_sql()> and L<delete_sql()> methods without executing it.

If you want to connect to a database you can pass a pre-connected database handle with the C argument or you can supply your connection options to the C<connect()> method. All arguments passed to C<connect()> will be just passed to LDBIx::Connector which will be used to manage your connection under the hood.

my $dbix = DBIx::Lite->new(dbh => $dbh);
my $dbix = DBIx::Lite->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=$db", $user, $passwd, {pg_enable_utf8 => 1});

Note that C<connect()> can be called as an object method too, if you want to connect an unconnected DBIx::Lite object at a later stage:

my $dbix = DBIx::Lite->new;
$dbix->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=$db", $user, $passwd);

=head2 new

This class method may accept the following optional arguments:

=over 4

=item I

This argument allows you to supply a pre-made L database handle. See the example in the previous paragraph.

=item I

This argument allows you to supply a pre-made LDBIx::Connector object.

=item I

This argument allows you to supply a pre-made LDBIx::Lite::Schema object. If none is provided, a new empty one will be created for each DBIx::Lite object. This argument is useful if you want to prepare your schema in advance and reutilize it across multiple connections.

=item I

This argument allows you to supply options for LSQL::Abstract::More module. Here is example for MySQL DB backend to quote fields names with backtick to allow using reserved words as column's names.

my $dbix = DBIx::Lite->new( abstract => { quote_char => '`', name_sep => '.' } );
$dbix->connect("DBI:mysql:$db_dbname;host=$db_host", $db_username, $db_password); 


=head2 connect

This methods accepts a list of arguments that are passed to LDBIx::Connector. It returns the DBIx::Lite object. It can be called either as class or object method.

=head2 table

This method accepts a table name and returns a LDBIx::Lite::ResultSet object on which you can chain its methods to build your query.

my $rs = $dbix->table('books');

=head2 schema

This method returns our LDBIx::Lite::Schema object which may hold the definitions required for some advanced feature of DBIx::Lite. You can call then call its methods:


See the LDBIx::Lite::Schema documentation for an explanation of its methods.

=head2 dbh

This method returns a L database handle that you can use to perform manual queries.

=head2 txn

This method accepts a coderef which will be run inside a transaction.

$dbix->txn(sub {
    $dbix->table('books')->update({ year => 2015 });

=for Pod::Coverage dbh_do driver_name

=head1 AUTHOR

Alessandro Ranellucci [email protected]


This software is copyright (c) 2024 by Alessandro Ranellucci.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
