
Dynamic DNS - Via Redis, Perl, and Amazon Route53.

OTHER License



This repository contains the code behind the DHCP.io service, which provides a self-hosted Dynamic-DNS system.

Users can register up to five hostnames beneath a given DNS zone, and easily update those names to point to arbitrary IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.

For example if you deployed the code with the hostname "example.io", then a user "bob" would control the hostname "bob.example.io", and could also claim four more names.


The code is written in Perl, using the CGI::Application framework.

The logins and record-associations for all users are stored in an SQLite database, making deployment nice and simple.

A Redis instance is used for session-storage, throttle-control, and similar things.

For serving the actual Dynamic-DNS entries Amazon's Route53 service is used.


To deploy this code you'll need:

  • A domain name, beneath which you'll let users register accounts.
  • A working Perl installation.
  • A Redis server.
  • An account with Amazon's Route53 DNS service.
    • You'll need to update the configuration module with your secret key, access token, and zone identifier.


The code relies upon the following modules being present and installed:

  • CGI::Application
    • apt-get install libcgi-application-perl
  • CGI::Application::Plugin::Throttle
    • Bundled into the distribution, as it isn't packaged for Debian.
  • Data::UUID
    • apt-get install libtie-ixhash-perl libdata-uuid-libuuid-perl
  • DBI
    • apt-get install libdbi-perl libdbd-sqlite3-perl
  • HTML::Template
    • apt-get install libhtml-template-perl
  • JSON
    • apt-get install libjson-perl
  • Net::SMTP::SSL
    • apt-get install libnet-smtp-ssl-perl
  • Redis
    • apt-get install libredis-perl
  • WebService::Amazon::Route53
    • Bundled into the distribution, as it isn't packaged for Debian.

These modules have other dependencies which you might not have present. To test you have all the required packages please run:

make test


perl t/00-load.t

Finally you'll also need a Redis server running on the same host as the application, as this is used to store login sessions.

Clone the code, and rename "lib/DHCP/Config.pm.example" to be lib/DHCP/Config.pm, updating it to contain your credentials.

Running/Testing Locally

The installation section should be complete enough that you're able to run the application for real.

However for testing purposes a sample lighttpd configuration file is also included within this repository. The configuration file contains all the required "rewrite rules", for example:

^/create/?        -> /cgi-bin/index.cgi?mode=create

If you have lighttpd installed then you should be able to launch the application on your local system via:

$ make local
Launching lighttpd on http://localhost:2000/
lighttpd -f conf/lighttpd.conf -D

Press Ctrl-c to terminate, otherwise open http://localhost:2000 in your browser.

NOTE: You'll need to have Redis installed locally too.
