
Generate a fake GitHub JSON feed from local git repositories

MIT License



Takes a list of git repos and generates a JSON feed similar to GitHub's contribution data


    ./fakehubstats.pl /path/to/git/repo


    ./fakehubstats.pl [options] /path/to/git/repo

      -h, --help            print help information
      -a, --author          restricts commits to specified author


  • -h, --help

    Prints the help for this program

  • -a, --author

    Restricts commits to the specified author


fakehubstats takes a list of git repositories and generates a JSON feed that imitates GitHub's contribution data. The primary reason fakehubstats exists is to pump data into akerl/githubchart to create contribution data for private repositories.

If you have local clones of your public repositories, you can run this tool across those repos and your private repos to create a combined contribution graph. You may notice squares are colored on Github's graph where they're missing on your own because you opened an issue on Github that day. A naive solution to this problem is to combine both Github's data and your own by choosing the MAX for each day. The following jq one-liner should give you that:

jq -r -s  'add | group_by(.[0]) |  map(max_by(.[1]))' fakehub.json gh.json

GitHub recently changed their private stats API. They now serve SVGs directly and do not provide the JSON of the contributions. You can extract the information from the SVG and transform it into JSON with an XML parser. You can also copy this dirty one-liner, replacing in your username:

curl -s github.com/users/stantheman/contributions -L | grep data-date | perl -MJSON -nE 'if ($_ =~ /data-count="(\d+)" data-date="(.*)"/) { push @stuff, [$2, $1]} END{ print encode_json(\@stuff)}'


fakehubstats is written in Perl and uses the JSON and DateTime modules.

On Debian-based systems:

apt-get install libjson-perl libdatetime-perl


    # print the simulated JSON feed for your personal git repo
    ./fakehubstats.pl /path/to/git/repo

    # print the simulated JSON feed for your personal git repos
    ./fakehubstats.pl /path/to/git/repo/directory/*


Stan Schwertly (http://www.schwertly.com)