
Perl Module: Inline Include C++ code inline within Perl code.

ARTISTIC-2.0 License



Inline::CPP -- Write Perl subroutines and classes in C++.

Inline::CPP lets you write Perl subroutines and classes in C++. You don't have to learn XS or SWIG, you can just put code right "inline" in your source.


use Inline CPP => <<'END';

class JAxH { public: JAxH(char *x);

   SV* data();
   SV *dat;


JAxH::JAxH(char x) { dat = newSVpvf("Just Another %s Hacker", x); } SV JAxH::data() { return dat; }


print JAxH->new('Inline')->data(), "\n";

When run, this complete program prints:

Just Another Inline Hacker.


It should go without saying, but you will need a C++ compiler on your system. The C++ compiler should be of the same flavor as the C compiler used to build perl itself. If you're using GNU C++, be sure that you have the g++ front end installed (it isn't installed by default on some Linux distros, for example). If you cannot execute 'g++ -v' from the command prompt, or some variation for your specific C++ compiler,


If you have the HARNESS_OPTIONS environment variable set to run tests concurrently in multiple processes, the test suite will attempt to invoke the C++ compiler multiple times concurrently. Recent versions of Inline and Inline::C have made progress on stamping out race conditions, but YMMV for now.

Also, some smoke testers run their testing in parallel, which may also be problematic, and may result in FAIL reports for reasons that will never occur in the real world.

See Makefile.PL, or the META.* files for lists of dependencies and minimum dependency version numbers. Minimum Perl version is now 5.8.1, same as Inline.

To install Inline::CPP do this:

perl Makefile.PL make make test make install

(On ActivePerl for MSWin32, use nmake instead of make.) (On Strawberry Perl you may use dmake instead.)

As Makefile.PL runs you will be prompted for what C++ compiler and library to use. Accepting the default should work in nearly every case (and if it doesn't, let me know).


  • For more information on Inline::CPP see 'perldoc Inline::CPP'.
  • For information about, see 'perldoc Inline'.
  • For information about Inline::C (of which this is a subclass)
    see 'perldoc Inline::C', as well as 'perldoc Inline::C-Cookbook'.
  • For information on using Perl with C or C++, see 'perldoc perlapi'

The Inline mailing list is [email protected]. Send mail to [email protected] to subscribe.

This module's development is under version control with Git, hosted on Github at

Please send questions and comments to "David Oswald" [email protected]

Copyright (c) 2003 - 2014, Neil Watkiss, David Oswald. All Rights Reserved.