
PhantomJS client-side testing for Mojolicious apps

OTHER License


=head1 NAME

Test::Mojo::Role::Phantom - Adds phantom_ok to Test::Mojo


use Mojolicious::Lite;

use Test::More; use Test::Mojo::WithRoles qw/Phantom/;

any '/' => 'index';

my $t = Test::Mojo::WithRoles->new;

$t->phantom_ok('/' => <<'JS'); var text = page.evaluate(function(){ return document.getElementById('name').innerHTML; });, 'Bender', 'name changed after loading'); JS



@@ index.html.ep


LTest::Mojo::Role::Phantom is a LRole::Tiny role which adds a L<phantom_ok> method to LTest::Mojo or a LTest::Mojo instance. This method tests the javascript behavior of the app via an external L<PhantomJS|> process. You must install that program and it must be in your C in order to use this method.

The author recommends using LTest::Mojo::WithRoles to manage the role application. The low level interaction is handled by a LMojo::Phantom instance, but for the most part that is transparent to the test method.

=head1 WARNING

The upstream phantom.js has been retired in favor of headless chrome. A LMojo::Chrome (and related LTest::Mojo::Role::Chrome) is planned and is already in the works (perhaps it is released already who knows?!). While this module will continue to function, just know that it depends on a project that is defunct.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 phantom_ok

$t = $t->phantom_ok(@url_for, $js, %opts)

The arguments are as follows

=head3 url specification

L<phantom_ok> takes a url or arguments for LMojolicious::Controller/url_for, a required string of javascript and and optional hash reference of additional arguments.

=head3 javascript

The javascript string will be executed once the phantom object has loaded the page in question. At this point, it will have access to all the symbols of a typical phantom process as well as


=item page

The page object.

=item status

The page request status, should be C.

=item perl

A function which takes the name of a perl function and arguments for that function. The function name and the arguments are serialized as JSON and then executed on the perl side.

If the function dies (or is LCORE::die), the test fails.


Since it would be prohibitively expensive to start up a new phantom process for each test in the string, the entire string is executed as a subtest. The test result will be success if the entire subtest is a success.

If there is a javascript error, the subtest will fail.

=head3 options

The method also takes a hashreference of additional options. They are as follows:


=item name

The name of the subtest

=item plan

The number of tests that are expected. While not required, this is more useful than most plans in LTest::More since the transport of the commands is volatile. By specifying a plan in this way, if the process exits (status zero) early or never starts, the test will still fail rather than silently pass assuming there were no tests.

=item package

The package that is searched for Perl functions if the function name is not fully qualified.

=item bind

A hash reference of key-value pairs which then have shortcuts built in the phantom process. The pairs passed are merged into

{ ok => 'Test::More::ok', is => 'Test::More::is', diag => 'Test::More::diag', note => 'Test::More::note', fail => 'Test::More::fail', }

In the phantom process you may then use the shortcut as


Which is handy if you are using a certain function often.

Note that if the value is falsey, the key name is use as the target.

=item setup

A pass-through option specifying javascript to be run after the page object is created but before the url is opened.

=item phantom

If you need even more control, you may pass in an instance of LMojo::Phantom and it will be used.

=item no_exit

Do not automatically call C<phantom.exit()> after the provided JavaScript code. This is useful when testing asynchronous events.

=item note_console

Redirect C<console.log> output to TAP as note events. This is usually helpful, but can be turned off if it becomes too verbose.

=item phantom_args

Specifies an array reference of command-line arguments passed directly to the PhantomJS process.



Not enough people test their client-side javascript. The primary goal is make testing js in you L app that you actually DO IT. To accomplish this, I make the following goals:


=item *

Have the test script not depend on a running mojolicious server (i.e. start one, like LTest::Mojo scripts can), whether that be from a js or perl file doesn't matter

=item *

Emit tap in a normal way in a manner that prove -l can collect tests

=item *

Not have to reimplement a large chunk of the test methods in either LTest::More or LTest::Mojo. Note: if some javascript library has functionality like Test::* (that emits tap and can be collected subject to the previous goals) then that would be sufficient.


This module is the result of those goals and my limited design ability. I encourage contribution, whether to this implementation or some other implementation which meets these goals!

=head1 NOTES

The C<phantom_ok> test itself mimics a C. While this outer test behaves correctly, individual tests do not report the correct line and file, instead emitting from inside the IOLoop. It is hoped that future versions of LTest::More will make correct reporting possible, but it is not yet.



=head1 AUTHOR

Joel Berger, E[email protected]


Copyright (C) 2015 by Joel Berger

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.