
Sauron - DNS & DHCP Management System

OTHER License


Sauron v.0.7.4 - DNS/DHCP Management System

This is a development branch release (current stable branch is v0.6.x). However, based on reports from users current development branch releases should be more stable than the current "stable" branch :)

DBI (DBD::Pg) is now the default database access method, but Pg can still be used by specifying --with-Pg option to configure script.

UPGRADE See README.upgrade if upgradig from a previous version.

REQUIREMENTS - BIND v8 or later [9.2.x or newer recommended] - ISC dhcpd v2 or later [3.x or newer recommended] (optional) - Perl 5 or better [at least 5.6 recommended] - CGI module - DBD::Pg (and DBI) module (or Pg module) - Net::DNS module - Net::IP module - Net::Netmask module - Digest::MD5 module - Digest::HMAC module - Digest::SHA1 module - MIME::Base64 - Crypt::RC5 - PostgresSQL [7.4 or newer (may work fine with earlier 7.x versions)] (or add support to your favorite db yourself :) - www-server (Apache or any other www-server with CGI support)


DOWNLOAD Sauron and related files are available from: WWW: or


TESTED PLATFORMS Sauron is currently developed using Red Hat Linux,GNU/Debian Linux, and Solaris but it should work pretty much on any Unix variant (if required programs are available).


See User Guide for complete installation instruction. This section is only a quick overview of the installation process:

  1. Build and install the program (SKIP this if you're installing the RPM): ./configure make make docs (optional) make install

  2. Create database for Sauron to use in PostgreSQL (use createdb command to create the database, see PostgreSQL documentation for more help)

  3. Edit configuration files: config and config-browser (these are usually in /usr/local/etc/sauron or /etc/sauron) at minimum you need to check paths and setup database connection string (DB_CONNECT)

  4. Create tables in the newly created database: <change to installation directory (/usr/local/sauron)> ./createtables ./status (check that everything worked)

  5. Populate OUI (Ethernet card manufacturer) table (optional): ./import-ethers contrib/Ethernet.txt ./import-ethers --force contrib/additional-ether-codes.txt (NOTE! you may want to download IEEE's public list of OUIs from: and import it as well)

  6. Populate global root servers table: ./import-roots default contrib/named.root (NOTE! you should download latest version of this file from: and use it)

  7. Create administrator account: ./adduser (remember to set superuser flag)

  8. Setup www interface You need to make sauron.cgi and browser.cgi available through your www server. One way to do this is to make symbolic links for sauron.cgi and browser.cgi in your cgi-bin directory. Copy images under icons/ directory to sauron/icons/ directory under your web server root directory (or just make a symbolic link)

  9. now you can use the web interface to create a server and zones, or you can import existing named/dhcpd configurations using import/iport-dhcp utilities. Or you can try out the demo database that can be found under test/ directory in source tree.


addgroup Creates user groups. It's recommended to assign users to groups and assign privileges to groups and not directly to users.

addhosts Utility for adding hosts to a existing zone from given file. Input file format is same as in normal zone files.

adduser Creates new user accounts. Use --help option for more help.

check-pending Program to be run from crontab that check for pending changes in database and sends notification of pending changes to address defined in configuration.

delgroup Removes user group from the system.

deluser Removes users accounts from the system. (accounts can also be locked with moduser command).

expire-hosts Utility for expiring unused (no DHCP activity within given time-frame) host entries.

export-networks Generates Unix /etc/networks format file of networks defined for given server.

generatehosts Utility for generating number of host entries into database.

import Reads complete named (BIND) configuration file set and generates new server and related zones into Sauron.

import-dhcp Utility for updating existing server using dhcpd configuration; adds Ethernet addressess for hosts and to builds network map for the server.

import-ethers Utility for adding OUI (Ethernet card manufacturer) information into global table. This table enable Sauron to recognize and display NIC manufacturer information for hosts.

import-roots Utility for importing root server hints into Sauron. Sauron has global table and option for server specific root server lists.

keygen Utility for generating TSIG keys and master key for protecting key for Sauron database.

last Unix 'last' command style utility for listing lastlog information about Sauron www-interface users.

modgroup Modifies privileges associated with groups.

modhosts Simple utility for modifying several hosts at a time in the database.

moduser Modifies user account privileges and attributes.

runsql Utility for running SQL code from file into Sauron database.

sauron Program to for generating named/dhcpd configuration files from Sauron database for given server.

status Utility for listing database connection and www-interface status. Also displays currently logged in users.

update-dhcp-info Program to be run from crontab that parses dhcpd logs and updates 'last seen by dhcp server' fields for hosts.

SUGGESTED READING RFC: 952,953,974,1032,1034,1035,1123,1912

-- Timo [email protected]