
Template Toolkit reimplemented in as little code as possible

OTHER License



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=head1 NAME

Template::Tiny - Template Toolkit reimplemented in as little code as possible

=head1 VERSION

version 1.14


my $template = Template::Tiny->new( TRIM => 1, );

Print the template results to STDOUT

$template->process( <<'END_TEMPLATE', { foo => 'World' } ); Hello [% foo %]! END_TEMPLATE


BTemplate::Tiny is a reimplementation of a subset of the functionality from L Toolkit in as few lines of code as possible.

It is intended for use in light-usage, low-memory, or low-cpu templating situations, where you may need to upgrade to the full feature set in the future, or if you want the retain the familiarity of TT-style templates.

For the subset of functionality it implements, it has fully-compatible template and stash API. All templates used with BTemplate::Tiny should be able to be transparently upgraded to full Template Toolkit.

Unlike Template Toolkit, BTemplate::Tiny will process templates without a compile phase (but despite this is still quicker, owing to heavy use of the Perl regular expression engine.


Only the default C<[% %]> tag style is supported.

Both the C<[%+ +%]> style explicit whitespace and the C<[%- -%]> style explicit chomp B support, although the C<[%+ +%]> version is unneeded in practice as BTemplate::Tiny does not support default-enabled C<PRE_CHOMP> or C<POST_CHOMP>.

Variable expressions in the form C<[% foo.bar.baz %]> B supported.

Appropriate simple behaviours for C references, C references and objects are supported. "VMethods" such as [% array.length %] are B supported at this time.

C, C and C conditional blocks B supported, but only with simple C<[% foo.bar.baz %]> conditions.

Support for looping (or rather iteration) is available in simple C<[% FOREACH item IN list %]> form B supported. Other loop structures are B supported. Because support for arbitrary or infinite looping is not available, BTemplate::Tiny templates are not turing complete. This is intentional.

All of the four supported control structures C/C/C/C can be nested to arbitrary depth.

The treatment of C<_private> hash and method keys is compatible with L Toolkit, returning null or false rather than the actual content of the hash key or method.

Anything beyond the above is currently out of scope.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

my $template = Template::Tiny->new( TRIM => 1, );

The C constructor is provided for compatibility with Template Toolkit.

The only parameter it currently supports is C (which removes leading and trailing whitespace from processed templates).

Additional parameters can be provided without error, but will be ignored.

=head2 process

DEPRECATED: Return template results (emits a warning)

my $text = $template->process( $input, $vars );

Print template results to STDOUT

$template->process( $input, $vars );

Generate template results into a variable

my $output = ''; $template->process( $input, $vars, $output );

The C method is called to process a template.

The first parameter is a reference to a text string containing the template text. A reference to a hash may be passed as the second parameter containing definitions of template variables.

If a third parameter is provided, it must be a scalar reference to be populated with the output of the template.

For a limited amount of time, the old deprecated interface will continue to be supported. If C is called without a third parameter, and in scalar or list contest, the template results will be returned to the caller.

If C is called without a third parameter, and in void context, the template results will be C<print()>ed to the currently selected file handle (probably C) for compatibility with L.

=head1 SEE ALSO

LTemplate::Tiny::Strict, LConfig::Tiny, LCSS::Tiny, LYAML::Tiny

=head1 SUPPORT

Bugs may be submitted through L<the RT bug tracker|https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=Template-Tiny> (or L<[email protected]|mailto:[email protected]>).

=head1 AUTHOR

Adam Kennedy [email protected]


=for stopwords Adam Kennedy Karen Etheridge Alexandr Ciornii Matt S Trout

=over 4

=item *

Adam Kennedy [email protected]

=item *

Karen Etheridge [email protected]

=item *

Alexandr Ciornii [email protected]

=item *

Matt S Trout [email protected]



This software is copyright (c) 2009 by Adam Kennedy.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
