
What if interfacing with computing artifacts felt like your mental models had come alive?

MIT License


TLDR: Bring to life computing objects like applications, servers, etc.


NB. This section is an export of the class comment of BaselineOfComputerWorld. When viewed from inside the system, it is live, dynamic and beautiful. "Just the markdown" only gives you a taste. We suggest you dive in and view the documentation as it was intended as quickly as possible - it will be more enjoyable and productive!

What if interfacing with computing artifacts felt like your mental models had come alive?

Interacting programmatically with computing artifacts (e.g. servers, applications, windows, peripherals) can be like the proverbial blind men describing the elephant. To do XYZ in this app, was it a CLI util, applescript, JS? How do I install it? What was its arcane syntax?

But why?! These artifacts are experienced as objects in our minds. What if our interfaces brought them to life with the same tangibility and clarity?

Rather than descend into the exising chaos of endless "tips and tricks" to hack in missing features, becoming the "high priests of a low cult" Alan Kay has warned us about, we choose to create a beautiful, sane model that matches our existing reality. Join us.


In GToolkit (preferably) or Pharo (v. 9 best supported at time of writing), do the following:

EpMonitor current disable.
[ Metacello new
	baseline: 'ComputerWorld';
	repository: 'github://seandenigris/Computer-World';
	"onConflict: [ :ex | ex allow ];"
	load ] ensure: [ EpMonitor current enable ].

] fork.
#BaselineOfComputerWorld asClass setUpIDE.
#SuperuserDB asClass restoreLastBackup.
#ComputerWorldDB asClass restoreLastBackup

N.B. you only have to do the outer fork if on GT and you want the UI to stay responsive during the load.


A very incomplete list...

Mac Control

The primary entry point is {{gtClass:CwMac}}.

Server Management

Screen Shot 2021-04-30 at 10 03 53 AM A basic implementation has been started. It models IP addresses nicely, users and privileges, mac addresses. Ations include "SSH as admin".


This project is part of a ~20 year (as of 2021) exploration of the Dynabook idea (a la Alan Kay). It's intensely personal and opinionated and I've open sourced it due to repeated requests. Use at your own risk. Any part may change at any time. I'm happy to give support when I have time in the form of explanations, but do not expect me to implement any particular feature, or even accept PRs if they don't feel right. That said, I'm happy to have anyone along on the journey :)

License Explanation

The license is MIT. However, my original intent was to release my Dynabook libraries under a copy far left license (free use for cooperatives, but negotiated licenses for those utilizing paid labor for profit). I love sharing any work I do, but am disgusted by the propect that (especially multi-billion-dollar) corporations will exploit my work for free, especially toward ends with which I don't philosophically agree. However, after many discussions with colleagues, it appears that at this moment there is just no way to protect one's work from parasites without effectively keeping it from everyone. Even GPL, which doesn't even come close to "solving" the problem stated above, seems enough to put off most people. In closing, now that my intentions are clear, I request the following from any entity utilizing wage labor or selling for profit who uses my work:

  1. Attribution
  2. Pay for what you use, or don't use it

While there may be no legal means for me to enforce the above given that this code is released under MIT, my intentions should be clear; violate the above at risk to your own conscience.