
Phaser plugin allowing Video and HTML5 ad integrations with games

MIT License


This is a Phaser HTML5 framework plugin to integrate both Google Adx and A4G video pre-roll ads into your HTML5 games.

Why we've created it and the target audience:

  • We love games, especially the HTML5 flavour.
  • We have created this plugin to help our existing and future customers monetise their Phaser games.
  • All of our HTML5 publishers, who tried video pre-roll, generated higher revenues.
  • Why AdX and not Adsense? Adx is paid by CPM and should generate better profits.

A4G Demo usage

The game from this github repository shows how a video pre-roll ad can be integrated into HTML5 framework Phaser game. See a working demo showing a video pre-roll and inter-game ad each 60 seconds:

Integration steps:

  • First include a4g-ad-plugin.js into your codebase.
  • Then create the A4gPlugin:
game.a4gPlugin = game.plugins.add(A4gPlugin.configure({
        zone: YOUR_ZONE_ID
  • Whenever you want to show an ad within your game just call showAd() function.
    Typically game developers call this function on the beginning of the game and between the levels.
game.a4gPlugin.onAdComplete.add(function () {
        console.log('Ad has been completed');

In order to integrate this plugin you will need YOUR_ZONE_ID. Unless you are an existing customer, please sign-up as a publisher / website at: and add a message saying that you are signing up for a Phaser HTML5 game.

Note: Adx has rigorous requirements to join. We will help you with the set-up process to make it as smooth as possible.


You can get the latest NPM from here:

npm install @ad4game/phaser-a4g --save-dev

A4g Phaser Plugin API

  • A4gPlugin.configure(config) creates preconfigured A4gPhaser plugin. It takes 1 parameter, configuration.
    Configuration is a regular JavaScript object, which can take following settings:
    • zone zone id from A4g (required)
    • adTypes array of ad types that can be displayed. Available values are ['video', 'skippablevideo', 'standardvideo', 'bumpervideo', 'text', 'image'], default value is ['video'] which is equivalent to [standardvideo', 'bumpervideo', 'skippablevideo], see required params / ad_type for more info:
    • skipOffset number of seconds when ad can be skipped, default value is 10
    • fallbackZone zone id which could be used in case the video cannot be loaded, by default not set. In case the Adx ad will not be loaded we will load a replacement ad (usually with a lower CPM). This could be useful if Adx fills a very small percentage of requests.
    • pauseGame boolean indicates if game should be paused while ad is shown, default value is true
    • unpauseGameDelay number of milliseconds to wait for unpausing game after ad is hidden (will be used only if pauseGame set to true), default value is 500
  • A4gPlugin.prototype.showAd() shows an ad
  • A4gPlugin.prototype.onAdShown Phaser.Signal would be triggered when ad shown
  • A4gPlugin.prototype.onAdComplete Phaser.Signal would be triggered when ad showing is completed
  • You can fully control the styling of the div showing the ad. Our publishers often display games in an iframe, which autoscales to 100%.


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