
A game about a laser-shooting bird exploring a dungeon filled with shadow beasts and the relentless Crazy Bird Lady. Survive and rack up points!


Laser Bird Shadow Legends

You are Syntax, a magnificent bird sporting a striking hairdo. You have the incredible power to shoot lasers out of your beak! Syntax is trapped in a crumbling dungeon deep in a mysterious dimension, covered in layers of moss and in disrepair from generations of neglect. Various animals that once lived in this forest paradise have been mutated into shadowy beasts that crave some delicious poultry for dinner, and you happen to be the only bird nearby! If you manage to get past the endless legions of shadow monsters, you will find the most terrifying creatures waiting with nets and a thirst for feathers in the deepest, darkest reaches of the dungeon. How far will you get before you fall victim to the terrors of this hostile world?

Table of Contents

Getting Started


  • Node.js
  • npm (Included with Node.js)


  1. Clone the repo:
    git clone
  2. Install npm packages:
    npm install
  3. Play the game:
    npm start

How To Play


Control Syntax using WASD.

Use the arrow keys to rapidly fire tiny lasers. Hold down the space bar while shooting tiny lasers to shoot a single massive laser.


Contrary to popular belief, the beasts in this world are not as dreadful as one may think. They can help you in unexpected ways, providing you with helpful items after they die. Here are some you will encounter:


Syntax loves the seeds in this world, which are some of the best-tasting in the universe. Perhaps that's why even the shadow monsters hold them! Pick up these delectable gems wherever you see them to heal half a heart of health.


Curious feathers resembling Syntax's are sometimes dropped by enemies. Perhaps there were other visitors to this world before? Syntax can pick these up and use them to destroy all enemy projectiles in the room by pressing the Q key.


Cat Demon

A ghastly creature that appears to be a cross between a cat and a spider. Although it does not have the best eyesight, it is relentless in chasing Syntax once he is in its field of view. Its tail pulsates with a strange energy when active.

Lizard Demon

A flying lizard abomination with grotesque wing-like growths. It wanders around aimlessly until its eyes happen upon Syntax. Slowly fabricates an unstable, spinning ball of energy and throws it at Syntax when it sees him. The essence of the energy ball bears an uncanny resemblance to Syntax’s lasers.

Good Drawing

One of the most curious critters to be found in this world, resembling a good drawing. It is seemingly immune to the dark fate that has befallen the other inhabitants of this world. As flawless as its design is, it is incapable of much but chasing after you until you help it part from its pointless life.


In every stage of the dungeon, Syntax will find the Crazy Bird Lady, a maniacal girl with an eternal obsession with all things feathered. Crazy Bird Lady dreams of having a bird in her house and occupying herself by watching it all day. How did she find herself in these ruins with Syntax? She does not know, but she could not be happier to be in the presence of a bird, and she will do anything in her power to capture Syntax. She will spawn Good Drawings and nets to capture you while chasing you around. Crazy Bird Lady falls to desperation easily and may spontaneously start to use stronger attacks in a frenzied attempt to make you hers forever. Even if you manage to wear her out, she refuses to be beaten down and will follow you through every floor of the dungeon, growing in power. Stay alert!


Syntax gains points through various means, but he can also lose a fair amount if you are not careful. How many points can you rack up before your end? The details of your best run will be stored by the game and displayed on the title screen next to a polished trophy for you to flaunt.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

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