
A PocketMine-MP plugin that allows you to comfortably register events using a new piece of PHP 8 power — attributes.

APACHE-2.0 License



This is a PocketMine-MP plugin that allows you to comfortably working with the events using a new piece of PHP 8 power — attributes.

Inspired by qPexLegendary's CoolEventListener.


Below is a simple example of a plugin with an event listener using the AdvancedEvents.


use AdvancedEvents_virion\src\jurasciix\advancedEvents\AdvancedEvents;use AdvancedEvents_virion\src\jurasciix\advancedEvents\attribute\EventHandler;use pocketmine\event\block\BlockBreakEvent;use pocketmine\event\block\BlockPlaceEvent;use pocketmine\event\EventPriority;use pocketmine\event\player\PlayerJoinEvent;use pocketmine\plugin\PluginBase;

// There is no need to implement the \pocketmine\event\Listener interface.
// Implementation makes sense only if you need to inform the code reviewer that class contains event handlers.
class Example extends PluginBase /*implements Listener*/ {

    protected function onEnable(): void {
        // Register this class as a listener on behalf of this plugin.
        AdvancedEvents::registerEventListener($this, $this);

    // The method that handles certain events is detected by the EventHandler attribute, unlike PM-MP.
    // In other words, this attribute is required for each method that handles events.
    #[EventHandler(priority: EventPriority::LOWEST)]
    private function onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent $event): void {
    // You can combine the handling of several events at once
    private function onBlockPlaceOrBreak(BlockPlaceEvent|BlockBreakEvent $event): void {
        // Cancel the event and send a message to the player who initiated the event.
        $event->getPlayer()->sendPopup("Pls don't do that.");