
An e-commerce platform between vendors and customers of Agricultural Commodities.

MIT License



This PHP project is simple solution for big problem that Farmers and Customers face.

  • Vendors post the available crop with its details and later alter the details as required.
  • Customers can view availability of crops with its details.
  • Eliminates involvement of any middle person.
  • Benefits both farmers and customers.

Live Demo :

Built using :

Apache2 : Web Server
Php : Server-side general-purpose scripting language
MySQL/MariaDB : Database Server
Other Basic Front-end Web stuffs : HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript

Set up environment for using this repo:

For Linux :

  Install Apache2 ( or any other Web Server) :
  $ `sudo apt-get install apache2`
  Install MySQL/MariaDB :
	  $ `pip install mysql-server libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysql`
  Install PHP :
	  $ `sudo apt-get install sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mcrypt`
  Restart apache so that all of the changes take effect:
	$ `sudo service apache2 restart`

Copy the complete folder to the location `/var/www/html` within a folder called glasseffect (per say)

For Windows :

 Download single package software Xampp from this link :
 Copy the complete folder to the location `C:\xampp\htdocs\glasseffect`

Database Structure :

Run :

Run Apache2

Run MySQL / MariaDB

Browse with any Browser to the following link and DONE !

Screenshot :

Screenshot of Vendor

Screenshot of Customer

Made with from Karnali, Nepal

Extracted from project README
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