
The project behind my talk about "Api Platform beyond REST"


Api Platform - Beyond REST

Slides to come.

  • Apro PHP - Lille 14/03/2019
  • Api Platform Meetup - Paris 26/03/2019


  • docker
  • nodejs
  • composer
  • authbind (use apt-get or brew, it's used so that the user running pm2 can use the 80 port)
  • pm2 (npm install pm2 -g)
  • PHP >= 7.1.3 with :
    • php-sqlite3
    • php-zip
    • php-curl
    • php-amqp


Go to the front directory, it's a Next.js project (no reason behind that I just wanted to try their tools). Just run npm install in there.

Go to the api directory and run npm install and make.


/!\ Disclaimer this is NOT a production build it's a "in-development" proof of concept.


docker-compose up -d
authbind --deep pm2 start pm2.json

/!\ Some docker services like Elasticsearch may not start properly, if that's the case the services launched by pm2 will fail.

For example, this is needed on my computer if I want Elasticsearch to start:

sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

To be sure just run docker services without daemon:

docker-compose up

and make sure that everything started up.

Then use authbind --deep pm2 start pm2.json && pm2 logs to log the services.

pm2 is used to start:

  • a php server (bin/console server:run) on port 8080
  • the bin/console messenger:consume-messages command that handles messages
  • the nextjs server on port 3000
  • a proxy on port 80 that facilitates the demo access on http://localhost

Obviously on a production environment these would just be behind nginx and php-fpm would be used as a php server. Also phppm could be interesting to run the messenger handlers.

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