
Implementation of 2 factor Authentication using TOTP In Apiato Projects .


Apiato 2FA Container

Multi-Factor Authentication MFA , 2FA.

This Container is used to manage the 2 Factor Authentication using any app like Google Authenticator

Note: This container is not fully tested, use with caution.


Only Works in Existing Apiato Application Read more about the Apiato container installer in the docs!


composer require elshaden/apiato-otpkey

Add the use HasOtpKeyTrait in the User Model

Migrate the table 'otp_keys'

and you are ready to go

Check Config File in Configs Dir for any changes


To find if user has MFA Key

$user-> HasOtp();

This will return the full record of the Otp Key.

object   // OtpKey
id          // Hashed OtpKey Id
code      // Base64 OtpKey Code
qr_code    // QR Code Image
active     // Active or not

To Create New MFA key

$user-> CreateOtpKey();

This will return : The Otp_key Record created with otp Key ( basse 64 TOTP key) QR code inform of Base 64 Image and the user Id

Update the Key


This will regnertae the Key and updates the record

To generate a QR code for a given code

$user->GetQrCode($code) ;

To Verfiy a given Token is valid ( the six numbers in the authenticator)

$user->ValidateKey($Code);       // The code must be the six digits in the Authenticator

Generate Code


This will generate a 6 Digits Code based on the user token, at any given time The code should match any authenticator App's such as Google Authenticator

API Endpoints

Endpoint Method Parameteres Usage Response
/otpkeys POST user_id Creates New User Token string "id", int "user_id", string "code", image "qr_code"
/validate-otpkeys POST id , pin , slots Validates 6 digits pin bool "result"
/validate-usercode POST pin Validates pin By User Bearer Token bool "result"
/generate-otpkey GET Generates 6 Digits pin From Bearer Token int "code"

In Addition to Find, delete and Update OtpToken for any user.

Note when validating the Otp in validate-otpkeys slots means validate the key for past of 30 seconds each.

For example 10 Slots means 10 * 30 seconds = 300 seconds / 60 = 5 minutes. So the Otp is valid for the pas 5 minutes.

For 5 Minutes Token, slots = 5 * 60 = 300

For one day Token, slots = 24 * 60 * 60 = 86400

the longer the period the more time it takes to check the validity, so please try to be conservative.