
PHP library for the ArvanCloud API

MIT License


PHP ArvanCloud API

PHP library for the ArvanCloud API. This package supports PHP 7.3+.

For Laravel integration you can use mohammadv184/arvancloud-laravel package.

List of contents

List of services


Via Composer

composer require mohammadv184/arvancloud


a. Copy config/arvancloud.php into somewhere in your project. (you can also find it in vendor/mohammadv184/arvancloud/config/arvancloud.php path).

b. In the config file you can set the Config to be used for all your Service and you can also change the Config at runtime.

Choose what Authentication type you would like to use in your application.

    'auth'=> [
        'default'  => 'ApiKey', //Set default Auth Type
        'UserToken'=> '',
        'ApiKey'   => '',//User API Key available in arvancloud panel

Then fill the credentials for that Service in the services array.

'services' => [
    'cdn' => [
        'baseUrl'  => '',
        'domain'   => '',// Fill in the credentials here.
        'endpoints'=> [...],

c. Instantiate the ArvanCloud class and pass configs to it like the below:

    use Mohammadv184\ArvanCloud\ArvanCloud;

    // load the config file from your project
    $config = require('path/to/arvancloud.php');

    $arvanCloud= new ArvanCloud($config);

How to use service

How to use ArvanCloud Services.


before doing any thing you need ArvanCloud Class

In your code, use it like the below:

// At the top of the file.
use Mohammadv184\ArvanCloud\ArvanCloud;

// Create new ArvanCloud.
$arvanCloud = new ArvanCloud($config);

// Using Cdn Service

// more Example
// 1
// 2 
// 3
// 4

Available methods:

  • domain :
    • all() : get all domains
    • create(string $domain) : Create New Domain.
    • get(string $domain = null) : Get Domain Settings
    • delete(string $domain = null) : Delete Domain.
  • cache :
    • get(string $domain = null) : Get Domain Cache settings.
    • update(array $data, string $domain = null) : Update Domain Cache settings.
    • purge(array $urls = null, string $domain = null) : Purge Domain Cache.
  • dns :
    • all() : Get All Domain Dns.
    • create(string $domain) : Create new Domain Dns.
    • get(string $domain = null) : Get Domain Dns Settings.
    • update(string $id, array $data, string $domain = null) : Update Domain Dns Settings.
    • delete(string $domain = null) : Delete Domain Dns.
    • cloud(string $id, bool $status = true, string $domain = null) : Update Domain Dns Cloud Status.
    • import($zoneFile, string $domain = null) : Import DNS records using BIND file
  • ssl :
    • get(string $domain = null) : Get Domain Ssl Settings.
    • update(string $sslType, string $domain = null) : Update Domain Ssl Settings.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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