
Personal homepage of Alain Schlesser - version 3

GPL-2.0 License


WordPressDev Environment

This is a WordPress development environment based on Lando. It allows for core development, plugin development, and theme development. It is intended to largely be a Docker-based port of VVV.

Disclaimer: There is no official support for this environment. Our team at Google is using it, and we are happy to share it and collaborate on it with the WordPress community. The environment is still in a very early development stage, so use it at your own risk.


  • Standalone Development Environment based on Lando, which itself requires Docker
  • WordPress Core Development Repository via Git and Subversion, allowing to seamlessly use both within a single directory
  • WordPress Plugin & Theme Development Environment, decoupled from Core Development Repository
  • PHPUnit & PHPCodeSniffer
  • NPM & Grunt


  • Install the latest version of Lando via a GitHub DMG file. You also need to have Docker installed, but Lando will take care of that for you if you don't.
  • Clone this repository into a directory of your choice. Navigate to that directory.
  • Run lando start. When doing this for the first time, it will set the environment up for you, so it will take a bit longer than on subsequent starts.
  • Access your site under If you're having trouble connecting, you may be facing the DNS Rebinding Protection issue. To fix this, and to ensure you can develop while offline, follow the Working Offline steps. In other words, add the following to your host machine's /etc/hosts file:

If this is your very first Lando project, make sure that your system trusts the SSL certificate that Lando generates via: sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain ~/.lando/certs/ You might need to restart your browser to see the change being reflected.

An additional note on Lando: The project is currently approaching its version 3.0 release, with frequent RC releases. As this environment is based on that latest version, make sure to check back for new Lando versions regularly.


  • WordPress core contributions are done in the public/core-dev directory which is both a Git clone and SVN checkout. To update the Git and SVN in tandem, do git svn-up in that directory to update to the latest trunk/master. To switch/update another branch, do git svn-up $branch. This git svn-up command is an alias to the repo's bin/svn-git-up script.
  • WordPress plugin and theme development should happen in public/content, which is a custom wp-content directory, decoupled from the WordPress core repository. The environment automatically takes care of setting WordPress constants appropriately so that the core and content directories are connected, so you don't need to worry about this.
  • You can use lando stop to turn off the environment and lando start to restart it again later. You can learn more about available commands in the Lando documentation.
  • You can customize the environment. Variables placed in a custom .env file in the root directory will override similar variables from the .env.base file. Custom CLI configuration can be set up via a wp-cli.local.yml file (taking precedence over wp-cli.yml), and even custom Lando configuration is possible via a .lando.yml file (taking precedence over .lando.base.yml). For changes to the Lando configuration or environment variables, you will need to run lando rebuild to apply them.


Any kind of contributions to WordPressDev are welcome. Please read the contributing guidelines to get started.