
Android Attendance app




  • Beautiful LoginScreen.
  • Teachers will be able to take attendance and save in database on server.
  • Fetch attendance data according to calendar date selection.

How it works

  • First Teachers/Mentor/Other Login from LoginScreen (currently user login is predefined in mysql)
  • Select Subject Name.
  • Select Time,Batch,Status(present/absent).
  • Select rollno.
  • When submit button selected, all selected rollno is saved on mysql database (backend php server).
  • Check record of attendance data from attendanceView section,Which display student present/absent from selected date.


Setup:- 1. Create demo2 database in mysql (from localhost/phpmyadmin). 2. Select demo2 and import database file (from database folder/demo2.sql). 3. Browse to c/wamp/www/create/ or c/xammp/htdocs/ create attendance folder and paste all php files inside attendance folder (from php/attendance).

Localhost Testing:- 1. Start Wamp/Xampp server. 2. In cmd run "ipconfig" command (make sure your pc/laptop is connected to network via lan/wifi) and note the ip of lan/wifi network . 3. Open project in android studio. 4. Change url address as per your ip address(from step 2) in com/java/attendance/misc/utils/ file These url :- public static final String LOGINURL = "" public static final String INSERTATTEND = "" public static final String VIEWATTENDANCE = "" public static final String QUICKATTENDANCE = "" 5. Build app in android studio. 6. Finally test app in emulator/phone (for phone, you should config wamp to work on your phone ).


  1. User login details is predefined (manually insert login details in demo2/teacher table).



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