
Simple, flexible and feature-rich shopping cart library for Laravel.

MIT License


Aurora Shopping Cart for Laravel

Aurora Cart is a flexible and feature-rich shopping cart library for Laravel.


  • Cart Management: Easily manage the shopping cart for both guest and authenticated users.
  • Item Addition: Add items to the cart with quantity and options support.
  • Item Modification: Adjust item quantity, remove items, and update options.
  • Calculators: Implement custom calculators for shipping, tax, or any other additional costs.
  • MetaData: Attach meta information to the entire cart or individual items.
  • Snapshot and Rollback: Save and restore the cart state for scenarios like order creation.
  • Validation: Validate the cart integrity using checksums.


Install the package using Composer:

composer require ozdemir/aurora


To configure Aurora Cart, publish the configuration file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="aurora-config"

This will create a cart.php file in your config directory. Here's an example configuration file with explanations:

// config/cart.php

use Ozdemir\Aurora\Cart;
use Ozdemir\Aurora\Generators\GenerateChecksum;
use Ozdemir\Aurora\Generators\GenerateSessionKey;
use Ozdemir\Aurora\Storages\SessionStorage;

return [
    'instance' => 'cart',

    'cart_class' => Cart::class,

    'storage' => SessionStorage::class,

    'cache_store' => env('CART_STORE', config('cache.default')),

    'monetary' => [
        'precision' => env('CART_CURRENCY_PRECISION', 2),

    'session_key_generator' => GenerateSessionKey::class,

    'checksum_generator' => GenerateChecksum::class,

    'calculate_using' => [
        // Custom calculators go here

Basic Usage

// Create a product class implementing the Sellable interface
class SellableProduct implements Sellable
    use SellableTrait;
// Adding an item to the cart
$product = new SellableProduct(); // Replace with your actual product model
$cartItem = new CartItem($product, quantity: 2);

// Retrieving cart information
$total = Cart::total();
$itemCount = Cart::count();
$items = Cart::items();
$itemQuantity = Cart::quantity(); // total quantity

// Adding an item with options to the cart
       (new CartItem($product, quantity: 1))->withOption('color', 'blue')
                 ->withOption('material', 'metal', price: 5)
                 ->withOption('size', 'large', weight: 4)

// Updating item quantity
Cart::update($cartItem->hash(), quantity: 3);

// Removing an item from the cart

Aurora Cart supports custom calculators for calculating totals. You can add your custom calculators to the config/cart.php file under the calculate_using key.


return [
    // ...
    'calculate_using' => [
        // discounts etc..
class ShippingCalculator
    public function handle($payload, Closure $next)
        [$price, $breakdowns] = $payload;
        $shippingPrice = Shipping::first()->amount;

        $price = $price + $shippingPrice;

        $breakdowns[] = [
            'type' => 'shipping',
            'amount' => $shippingPrice,
            // any additional values..

        return $next([$price, $breakdowns]);
class TaxCalculator
    public function handle($payload, Closure $next)
        [$price, $breakdowns] = $payload;
        $taxPrice = Tax::first()->amount;

        $price = $price + $taxPrice;

        $breakdowns[] = [
            'type' => 'tax',
            'amount' => $taxPrice,
            // any additional values..

        return $next([$price, $breakdowns]);

Now, your cart will use these custom calculators to calculate totals, including shipping and tax. Adjust the logic in the calculators based on your specific business requirements.


You can retrieve the breakdowns of your cart using the Cart::breakdowns() method. Breakdowns provide a detailed summary of how the total amount is calculated, including contributions from various components such as shipping, tax, and any custom calculators you've added.


$breakdowns = Cart::breakdowns();

// Output the breakdowns

The breakdowns() method returns an array where each element represents a breakdown item. Each breakdown item typically includes a label and value, providing transparency into how different factors contribute to the overall total.

Here's a hypothetical example output:

Array (
    [0] => Array (
        [label] => Shipping
        [value] => 10
    [1] => Array (
        [label] => Tax
        [value] => 15
    // Additional breakdown items based on your custom calculators
    // ...

Adjust the output format and contents as needed for your specific use case.


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.