
Laravel Security


Laravel Security Component

Version 0.2.x@dev is for Laravel 5. Use 0.1.x for Laravel 4!

This packages integrates Symfony Security Core in Laravel, mainly to use the Voters to check acces to roles/objects. See Symfony Authorization


Add this package to your composer.json and run composer update

"barryvdh/laravel-security": "0.2.x@dev"

After updating, add the ServiceProvider to ServiceProvider array in config/app.php


You can optionally add the Facade as well, to provide faster access to the Security component.

'Security' => 'Barryvdh\Security\Facade',


You can publish the config to change the strategy and add your own Role Hierarchy, to configure which roles inherit from each other.

 $ php artisan vendor:publish config

'role_hierarchy' => array(
       'ROLE_ADMIN' => array('ROLE_USER'),


By default, only 2 Voters are included:

  • AuthVoter, check if a user is autenticated (IS_AUTHENTICATED or AUTH)
  • RoleHierarchyVoter: Check a user for a role, using the hierarchy in the config. (ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_EDITOR etc)

To use roles, add a function getRoles() to your User model, which returns an array of Role strings (Note: roles must begin with ROLE_)

public function roles(){
    return $this->belongsToMany('Role');
public function getRoles(){
    return $this->roles()->lists('name');

You can add voters by adding them to the config.

'voters' => [

You can also add voters by extending $app['security.voters'] or using the facade:

Security::addVoter(new MyVoter());

Voters have to implement VoterInterface. You can define which attributes (ie. ROLE_ADMIN, IS_AUTHENTICATED, EDIT etc) and which objects the voter can handle. The voter will be called to vote on an attribute (and possibly an object) and allow, deny or abstain access. Based on the strategy, the final decision is made based on the votes. (By default, 1 allow is enough)

You can access the User object with $token->getUser(); For an example, see the Symfony Cookbook about Voters

Checking access

You can check access using to IoC Container, the facade and a helper function:

Security::isGranted('edit', $post);

The first argument is the attribute you want to check, the second is an optional object, on which you want to check the access. For example, you can write a Voter to check if the current user can edit a comment, based on his ownership on that object or his role.


You can use this in Laravel's Route Filters, both in the routes and in controllers.

Route::get('admin', array('before' => 'is_granted:ROLE_ADMIN', function(){..}));
Route::filter('is_granted', function($route, $request, $attribute, $parameter=null){
    if (!is_granted($attribute, $route->getParameter($parameter)))
        return Redirect::route('login');

If you set up Model Binding, you have easy access to the objects.

Route::model('company', 'Company');
Route::get('companies/{company}', array('uses'=> 'CompanyController@getView', 'before' => 'is_granted:view,company'));