
CakePHP webhook event handler for SendGrid


Webhook handler for SendGrid events#

This plugin provides a dispatcher filter that will listen to any request send from SendGrid as a webhook and fire any configured callback with the decoded data as it was received.

This is useful for storing or calculating your own statistics about emails you send, to unsubscribe users when emails bounce or when marked as spam.


  • CakePHP 2.x
  • PHP 5.3+
  • Composer


The only installation method supported by this plugin is by using composer. Just add this to your composer.json configuration:

  "require" : {
	"lorenzo/cakephp-gridhook": "master"

Enable plugin

You need to enable the plugin your app/Config/bootstrap.php file:


Additionally, in the same file, add this to your dispatcher filters array:

Configure::write('Dispatcher.filters', array(
	// ... Other filters ...
	'GridHook' => array(
		'callable' => 'GridHook.SendgridWebhookDispatcher',
		'handler' => 'MyHandlerClass::aMethod' // Configure this value at will

The handler key is any valid callable object or closure that will be called each time an event is received from SendGrid. The handler key is mandatory for this plugin to work correctly. Another example:

Configure::write('Dispatcher.filters', array(
	// ... Other filters ...
	'GridHook' => array(
		'callable' => 'GridHook.SendgridWebhookDispatcher',
		'handler' => function($sendGridEvent) {
			// Do some stuff

Configuring listener url

By default this plugin will listen on the /webhook/sendgrid url, if for any reason you want to change it, set the endpoint key to another path

Configure::write('Dispatcher.filters', array(
	// ... Other filters ...
	'GridHook' => array(
		'callable' => 'GridHook.SendgridWebhookDispatcher',
		'handler' => 'MyHandlerClass::aMethod' // Configure this value at will,
		'endpoint' => '/sendgrid-hook'

Handling an event sent from SendGrid

The callback configured in the handler key will be called for each event generated from sendgrid that was received via the webhook. The first argument of this function will be an object of type SendGridEvent that will contain call the properties sent for the event. This is an example:

App::uses('SendGridEvent', 'GridHook.Model');

class Newsletter extends AppModel {

	public static function handleEvent(SendgidEvent $event) {
		if ($event->isSpamReport()) {