
🖥️ 😷 Contactless Automatic Thermal Scanner Monitoring Web App

MIT License


CATS Monitoring

CATS Monitoring is a Web Application to monitor the Contactless Automatic Thermal Scanner data. This application also provide REST API Endpoint for CATS Device in order to save and fetch data using HTTP Request.

For demo purposes, it's recommended to use local development environment such as Laragon or Laravel Valet.


  1. Setup your server to use network with IP
  2. Whitelist port 5000 in your firewall (inbound and outbound)
  3. Install PHP v7.4, Composer v2, and MySQL v5.7 in your server
  4. Install Laravel's v8 requirements as stated here
  5. Install and setup Web Server (Nginx / Apache2) to listen port 5000 in your server

If you use Windows OS, in case anything goes wrong, please disable your Public Network Firewall.


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Setup .env by copying the .env.example
  3. composer install
  4. npm install
  5. npm run production
  6. Create application's database:
    • mysql -u root -p
    • create database cats_monitoring
    • exit
  7. php artisan key:generate
  8. php artisan storage:link
  9. php artisan migrate --force
  10. chmod -R 777 storage bootstrap/cache
  11. php artisan config:clear
  12. Configure your Web Server to use document root by locating public/ in the project directory
