
CodeIgniter Restful API Controller - Easily build REST API with Token Authorization

MIT License


CodeIgniter API Controller v.1.1.7

This extension is powered by Jeevan Lal.


API Documentation

  • \application\libraries\API_Controller.php
  • \application\helpers\api_helper.php
  • \application\config\api.php

Token Documentation

  • \application\libraries\Authorization_Token.php
  • \application\config\jwt.php
  • PHP-JWT Library \application\third_party\php-jwt\


You can install this project into your PC using composer.

The recommended way to install composer packages is:

composer require ctechhindi/codeigniter-api:dev-master --prefer-source


  1. PHP 5.4 or greater
  2. CodeIgniter 3.0+

Note: The library is used in CodeIgniter v3.8 and PHP 5.6.8.


Simple API

header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");

// API Configuration
     * By Default Request Method `GET`
    'methods' => ['POST'], // 'GET', 'OPTIONS'

     * Number limit, type limit, time limit (last minute)
    'limit' => [5, 'ip', 'everyday'],

     * type :: ['header', 'get', 'post']
     * key  :: ['table : Check Key in Database', 'key']
    'key' => ['POST', 'string_key' ], // type, {key}|table (by default)

// return data
        'status' => true,
        "result" => "Return API Response",


Setup API Request Methods

  • This Function by default request method GET
  • Set API Request Method POST, GET, ..
    'methods' => ['POST', 'GET'],

Use API Limit

Before using the limit in API, we need to load the codeigniter database library. You can also load the database library in the autoload config config/autoload.php file.

After database library loaded, database must be set in database config file config/database.php.

After creating and setting up a database, we need to create a table for API Limit [api_limit] in the database. like this.

CREATE TABLE `api_limit` (
    `user_id` INT NULL DEFAULT NULL ,  
    `uri` VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL ,  
    `class` VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL ,  
    `method` VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL ,  
    `ip_address` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL ,  
    `time` TEXT NOT NULL ,    PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
) ENGINE = InnoDB;

The name of the database table of api limit is api_limit by default. Which we can change through the API configuration file [config/api.php]. like this.

 * API Limit database table name
$config['api_limit_table_name'] = 'api_limit';

 * Set API Timezone 
$config['api_timezone'] = 'Asia/Kolkata';

Now we can use API Limit Method.

Thus this API can be run only 10 times in 5 minutes. It on IP address.

 * API Limit
 * ----------------------------------
 * @param: {int} API limit Number
 * @param: {string} API limit Type (IP)
 * @param: {int} API limit Time [minute]

    // number limit, type limit, time limit (last minute)
    'limit' => [10, 'ip', 5] 

At API limit time argument we can also use everyday which will follow the api limit per day. On the same API address

 * API Limit
 * ----------------------------------
 * @param: {int} API limit Number
 * @param: {string} API limit Type (IP)
 * @param: {string} API limit [everyday]

    // number limit, type limit, everyday
    'limit' => [10, 'ip', 'everyday'] 

Use API Key without Database

We can set the API key in the Request Header. by default, the name of the header is X-API-K, which we can change in the API config file [config/api.php]. like this

 * API Key Header Name
$config['api_key_header_name'] = 'X-API-KEY';

Use this code in your API Controller file.

 * Use API Key without Database
 * ---------------------------------------------------------
 * @param: {string} Types
 * @param: {string} API Key

    'key' => ['header', 'Set API Key'],

Use API Key with Database

We can also check the API key by databases. For this, we need to first create api_keys table in MySQL. like this

CREATE TABLE `api_keys` ( 
    `api_key` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL ,  
    `controller` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL ,  
    `date_created` DATE NULL DEFAULT NULL ,  
    `date_modified` DATE NULL DEFAULT NULL ,    PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
) ENGINE = InnoDB;

The name of the database table of API Keys is api_keys by default. Which we can change through the API configuration file [config/api.php]. like this.

 * API Keys Database Table Name 
$config['api_keys_table_name'] = 'api_keys';

Set API keys in api_keys database table And Use this code in your API Controller file.

 * API Key
 * ---------------------------------------------------------
 * @param: {string} Types
 * @param: {string} [table]
    // 'key' => ['header', 'table'],
    'key' => ['header'], 

Use Custom Function in API Key

 * API Key
 * ---------------------------------------------------------
 * @param: {string} Types
 * @param: [function] return api key
    'key' => ['header', $this->key() ],

// This is Custom function and return api key
private function key() {
    return 1452;

Add Custom Data in API Responses

In response to the API, we can also add custom data to something like this.

    'key' => ['header'],
    'data' => [ 'is_login' => false ] // custom data

API Output ::

    "status": false,
    "error": "API Key Header Required",
    "is_login": false

API Return Data

This method is used to return data to api in which the response data is first and the second request status code.

 * Return API Response
 * ---------------------------------------------------------
 * @param: API Data
 * @param: Request Status Code
$this->api_return(data, status_code);

Request Status Code List

Status Code Status Text
200 OK
408 Request Timeout
405 Method Not Allowed

Using the Config file in the API key

  1. Create config file \application\config\api_keys.php
  2. Use in API Controller like this
// load API Keys config file

    'key' => ['post', $this->config->item('controller/api key name')],

Reporting Issues

If you have a problem with this plugin or found any bug, please open an issue on GitHub.


CodeIgniter API Controller is licensed under MIT