

Contentful Templates for CodeIgniter

What is Contentful?

Heavily inspired by Rails 3's template system, Contentful is a templating library for CodeIgniter (tested on 2.0.1 Reactor) and PHP 5. It allows you to easily keep your layouts and views compeletely separate from your controllers. It also lets the individual view apply changes to your layouts.


  1. Download either the tarball or the zipball,
    depending upon your poison of choice, and extract it.
  2. Copy the following files into your application directory:
    • config/contentful.php
    • helpers/contentfulmanager_helper.php
    • libraries/contentful.php
    • libraries/contentfulmanager.php


In your controller: application/controllers/contentfultest.php:

class ContentfulTest extends CI_Controller {
  public function index() {

    $data['name'] = 'Shawn Dellysse';
    $this->contentful->load('contentful_test/index', $data);

This will load the library, set a variable in the view, and then load your layouts and views. Since you didn't specify otherwise, it will look for your layout in application/views/layouts/default.html.php. Your per-page view will be loaded from application/views/contentful_test/index.html.php.

In your layout application/views/_layouts/default.html.php:

    <title><?php echo contents_of('title') ?></title>
    <?php echo contents_of('head') ?>
  <body class="<?php echo trim(contents_of('body-class'))?>">
    <div style="border: 3px coral solid">
      <?php echo contents_of_main() ?>

The contents_of('some section') will return the content inside the content_for('some section') block written in the view.

In your view application/views/contentful_test/index.html.php:

<?php content_for('title') ?>
  Greetings <?php echo $name ?>!
<?php end_content_for() ?>

<?php content_for('body-class') ?>
<?php end_content_for() ?>

<?php content_for('head') ?>
  <script type="text/javascript">
    // We got scripts
  <style type="text/css">
    /* and we got css too */
<?php end_content_for() ?>

Hello, <?php echo $name ?>!

Each content_for($section) should map to a contents_of($section) in your layout. Please note that, although they are style and indented as such, content_for blocks are not control structures. All code inside a block will always be evaluated.

When run with the above layout, view, and controller (with a little bit of tidying):

    <title>  Greetings Shawn Dellysse!  </title>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      // We got scripts
    <style type="text/css">
      /* and we got css too */
  <body class="greetings-page">
    <div style="border: 3px coral solid">
      Hello, Shawn Dellysse!


No initial configuration is necessary; however, all options are in config/contentful.php and are documented there.