Database Backup Tool

GPL-3.0 License



Database Backup Tool

What can this do?

This tool is written by PHP. If your website is also written by PHP, then using this tool does not require additional environment requirements. (The version requirements are described in Compatibility section below)

This tool supports both physical and logical backups. Due physical backup just is file copy, so the backup method supported all databases. However the logical backup only supports MySQL (and MariaDB), in the future will support more databases.

This tool also supports both local and remote storage. The support storage way is detailed below.



DBBT requires PHP 7.0+.


DBBT is well tested only on linux systems, other systems (like: Windows) do not guarantee normal operation.


Support database

  • MySQL (and MariaDB)
  • All database (in physics backup case)

Support storage way


  • tar.gz (if you have GNU tar software)
  • zip compress (if you have Zip PHP extension)


For user, it is more recommend to use the PHAR file

Source code usage way

  1. Download the source code to your local.
  2. cd to the source code directory.
  3. composer install --no-dev (In this step, you must make sure you have composer).
  4. Copy config.etc.php to config.php and configure it. (NOTE: config.etc.php already includes configuration
    structure. You can configure your backup tool on this basis)
  5. php run.php, does not display any messages if execution succeed.

PHAR file usage way

  1. Download the PHAR release file from the release center to your local.
  2. Create a config file based on
    the sample configuration file.
  3. php dbbt.phar --config=<config file path> where 'config file path' is the path of the config file you created.


If this tool on the way in the use of the problem or you have any ideas, please go to the Github issues.


The project welcomes anyone to contribute code. For more information, see CONTRIBUTING.md file.